p3p / pio-framework-arduino-lpc176x

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Multiple definition of eeprom functions when compiling Marlin 2 with framework-arduino-lpc176x@0.2.1 #26

Closed atoomnetmarc closed 4 years ago

atoomnetmarc commented 4 years ago


When compiling for a board with a LPC1768 you get a multiple definition error on the eeprom functions at the linking stage. The empty eeprom functions in arduino.cpp conflict with eeprom_i2c.cpp from Marlin 2.


define I2C_EEPROM

define E2END 0x7FFF


First error: Linking .pio\build\LPC1768\firmware.elf c:/users/marc/.platformio/packages/toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/8.2.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld.exe: .pio\build\LPC1768\libFrameworkArduino.a(arduino.cpp.o): in function eeprom_write_byte(unsigned char*, unsigned char)': C:\Users\Marc\.platformio\packages\framework-arduino-lpc176x\cores\arduino/arduino.cpp:112: multiple definition ofeeprom_write_byte(unsigned char*, unsigned char)'; .pio/build/LPC1768/src/src/HAL/shared/eeprom_i2c.cpp.o:e:\Marlin-bugfix-2.0.x/Marlin\src\HAL\shared/eeprom_i2c.cpp:49: first defined here

When I comment out the empty eeprom functions in arduino.cpp the compilation succeeds.

/ void eeprom_write_byte(uint8_t pos, unsigned char value) { }

uint8_t eeprom_read_byte(uint8_t * pos) { return '\0'; }

void eeprom_read_block(void __dst, const void __src, size_t __n) { }

void eeprom_update_block(const void __src, void __dst, size_t __n) { } */

Is this issue something that may be fixed in pio-framework-arduino-lpc176x?

p3p commented 4 years ago

Is this issue something that may be fixed in pio-framework-arduino-lpc176x?

The lpc1768/9 do not have an inbuilt EEPROM so these functions can't be defined, but some other lpc176x compatible mcus that may be supported in the future do have an eeprom..

I'm not sure the correct approach as these function are not necessarily part of the Arduino api but they do seem do be used as such.

The correct fix for this is Marlins eeprom i2c implementation getting updated to use the persistent store api as it should.

atoomnetmarc commented 4 years ago

OK, thanks for the pointer.