p5py / p5

p5 is a Python package based on the core ideas of Processing.
GNU General Public License v3.0
725 stars 120 forks source link
processing python


|Downloads| |License| |Version| |Slack| |build-tests| |downloads-month|

.. |License| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/p5?color=light-green .. |Version| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/p5?color=blue .. |Slack| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/Slack-Join!-yellow
:target: https://join.slack.com/t/p5py/shared_invite/zt-g9uo4vph-dUVltiE1ixvmjFTCyRlzpQ .. |build-tests| image:: https://github.com/p5py/p5/actions/workflows/build-tests.yml/badge.svg .. |Downloads| image:: https://static.pepy.tech/badge/p5
:target: https://pepy.tech/project/p5 .. |downloads-month| image:: https://static.pepy.tech/badge/p5/month :target: https://pepy.tech/project/p5

p5 is a Python library that provides high level drawing functionality to help you quickly create simulations and interactive art using Python. It combines the core ideas of Processing <https://processing.org/>_ — learning to code in a visual context — with Python's readability to make programming more accessible to beginners, educators, and artists.

To report a bug / make a feature request use the issues page <https://github.com/p5py/p5/issues> in this repository. You can also use the discourse platform <https://discourse.processing.org/c/p5py/27> to ask/discuss anything related to p5py.


.. image:: https://github.com/p5py/p5/raw/develop/docs/_static/readme.gif

p5 programs are called "sketches" and are run as any other Python program. The sketch above, for instance, draws a circle at the mouse location that gets a random reddish color when the mouse is pressed and is white otherwise; the size of the circle is chosen randomly. The Python code for the sketch looks like:

.. code:: python

from p5 import *

def setup(): size(640, 360) no_stroke() background(204)

def draw(): if mouse_is_pressed: fill(random_uniform(255), random_uniform(127), random_uniform(51), 127) else: fill(255, 15)

   circle_size = random_uniform(low=10, high=80)

   circle((mouse_x, mouse_y), circle_size)

def key_pressed(event): background(204)

p5 supports different backends to render sketches,

"vispy" for both 2D and 3D sketches & "skia" for 2D sketches

use "skia" for better 2D experience

Default renderer is set to "vispy"

run(renderer="vispy") # "skia" is still in beta


The p5py documentation can be found here p5 documentation <http://p5.readthedocs.io>_


Take a look at the installation steps here in the p5 installation page <http://p5.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html>_


We welcome contributions from anyone, even if you are new to open source. You can start by fixing the existing issues <https://github.com/p5py/p5/issues>_ in p5py. In case you need any help or support from the p5py development community, you can join our slack group <https://join.slack.com/t/p5py/shared_invite/zt-g9uo4vph-dUVltiE1ixvmjFTCyRlzpQ>_.


p5 is licensed under the GPLv3. See LICENSE <LICENSE>_ for more details. p5 also includes the following components from other open source projects:

All licenses for these external components are available in the LICENSES folder.