pH7Software / pH7-Social-Dating-CMS

šŸ˜» pH7Builder (formerly pH7CMS) is a Professional & Open Source Social Dating CMS written in PHP 8 šŸš€ This Social Dating Script aims to be low resource-intensive, powerful and secure. pH7Builder includes over 40 modules. It is the first Professional, Free & Open Source Social Dating Site Builder Software and the first choice for enterprise level Da
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Fresh install, but images/format/CSS are not showing :( #697

Closed NitWitPea closed 4 years ago

NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

I searched before I made this post. I saw several people with the same problem but all the tickets got closed because they took so long to reply, so I can't find resolution.

Everythings seems to functionally work well. On front end and in the admin, just that again there's no formatting or I believe CSS, so like the links go from top of page to bottom. I don't get any error messages, no visual messages of anything being broken

I've tried to clear cache, when you click the cache, does it give you any confirmation that I did anything? I just see void(0);

apache server, rewrite is working(just had to had rewritebase), php 5.6 what more information do you need? thanks


Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

Yeah someone has been on vacation for a while... I have had the issue but one day it just stopped its hard to debug something that intermittent and then it was gone as if by magic.

Have you tried the obvious?

File permissions? chmod -R 777 /var/www/htdocs/*

.htaccess renamed from sample.htaccess to .htaccess

What version of PHP are you running?

NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

yeah I did the obvious just got an email back from my host, its curl they don't allow so I'm looking for a new host now

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

Really! Donā€™t think I could sacrifice the use of curl. Make sure your host allows ffmpeg if you want to upload videos and create thumbnails the correct way up.

NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

okay heres the thing, my host did reply saying they dont do curl but I just installed OpenCart, and it requires cURL,and the formatting looks normal when I ran the cart when I installed it showed I had curl,strange


NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

but for some reason, all the CCS files are empty, so my formatting is off when using ph7

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

Empty??? How are you viewing the files? The style is found in


The css is in css folder and the templates in /tpl JavaScript in JS etc have a look what is in the css files in


Are these empty? Curl has nothing to do with your css style sheet.

Also try disabling all cache settings if you canā€™t load admin area you can do this in


Set all cache settings to =0

NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

the folders aren't empty, but basically if I pulled up a page, hit view source, click on the CSS, they are empty. appears because of a 404 error

I've disabled all cache settings and gzip Admin area loads and works fine

so take this link: http://my_site/dating/asset/gzip/?t=css&d=static/css/js/jquery/box/&f=box.css it won't show up because of a 404error,so no css loads

but if I edit the link to this: http://my_site/dating/static/css/js/jquery/box/box.css then it reaches the file but I tried it with gzip on and off, no dice. box.css does exist there. all my folder have the files in there. it just can't reach it when asset is in the url

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

Empty the following folder then clear your browsers cache...

/_protected/app/data/cache/ *** DELETE ALL FOLDERS HERE *** 

They all start pH7_ and there should be four delete them all. This clears cached data and will build the next load dynamically and not from cached pages.

NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

I did that. ran the site again and 2 of the 4 folders re-appeared, but the format/css is still off

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

All the themes are the same? Base? Zendate? Cartoon? all exactly the same? Nothing changes at all?

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea Start by disabling all the pre-processing options on the admin panel. It will then stop using curl for your site and other techniques. This means to disable minifying and all this.

Start by making it simple and work from there. Also disable the cache (this is a form of pre-processing).

NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

I tried all the 4 themes, same thing, no CSS

@polynamaude can you list to me where all the pre-processing is at? I just see these under cache


NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

in the admin panel, under info, I clicked on php information. it too says curl is enabled


Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

@polynamaude Over thinking something simple is just part of the human condition, sometimes a fresh opinion and a new set of eyes can make all the difference :)

Hope youā€™re doing alright, been a ghost here for a while?mode=vacation

NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

basically whenever the 'asset' appears in the URL, it doesn't find the css file and returns a 404 error for some reason. even though the css files to exist on my server in the proper folders, as I can access them by typing the direct URL to the file(s)

superiorpyro commented 4 years ago

I don't know if anyone else is following this thread, but NitWitPea isn't alone. I am having the EXACT same experience. Functionally most appears to be working ok (I enabled "adult verification" but that never functioned, even after clearing browser cache. I'm hoping one of the senior/more experienced developers can help us noobs get the app working as intended. I really like the capabilities, but it is definitely not using the theme or CSS info. Pages are rendering essentially flat (no formatting).

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

@polynamaude have you got a minute please? I read a post by you that explained what is going wrong with these links and the resulting output being due to a problem with cURL it made perfect sense but at that time we didnā€™t have the problem.

We have just upgraded to a dedicated server, we took a back up of cPanel on the old shared server and did a restore on the new server and everything was the same for about 8hrs then out of know where we have this problem again.

I have tried to explain to the hosting company what I remember from your post (canā€™t find it now) but they said they need more details on exactly what is going wrong with cURL as they say itā€™s installed and working.

Can you point me to the post or just explain in more detail? Thank you šŸ™

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

Solved this problem.

cURL standalone installation && php-curl extension both have to be installed on the server and PHP version must be 7.3 or cURL breaks!

All working lovely again :)

NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

Solved this problem.

cURL standalone installation && php-curl extension both have to be installed on the server and PHP version must be 7.3 or cURL breaks!

All working lovely again :)

interesting they were telling me here it was my server so I actually got another server, that allows curl internal/external, run php 7,and the CSS still breaks everything works fine,no errors, just it looks funny with the bad formatting/no css

so I sort of given up on this script. seems it takes a very specific server to make it work.seems too much hastle to try yet a 3rd server glad you are able to use it though

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea It doesn't a "specific" server as you seem to think or only PHP 7.3 as it also works with PHP 7.1 and 7.2. You just have to configure properly the way it is handled. For example on some cloud infrastructure you will get problem because of the wrong IP being passed to the cURL function used to fetch your site and preprocess it.

So it's not an "out of the box" solution.

You seem to have all of them disabled in your screenshot. Now just erase everything from the cache.

@Undefined-Variables Glad it worked out for you !

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea If you can use the direct URL to the assets this means that your .htaccess is not properly configurer.

NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea It doesn't a "specific" server as you seem to think or only PHP 7.3 as it also works with PHP 7.1 and 7.2. You just have to configure properly the way it is handled. For example on some cloud infrastructure you will get problem because of the wrong IP being passed to the cURL function used to fetch your site and preprocess it.

So it's not an "out of the box" solution.

You seem to have all of them disabled in your screenshot. Now just erase everything from the cache.

@Undefined-Variables Glad it worked out for you !

can you explain "configure properly the way it is handled"? Like what should I actually do? as for the screenshot, I disabled everything AND already erased everythingfrom cache. I deleted all 4 folders in there because somebody suggested that in this post. didn't work. (on 2 different servers).

can you explain how my htaccess may not be setup properly? for the most part, all I really needed to do was un mark the one line so I can do Rewrite base, I just made it /dmv/, because that's the folder I was working in. but on the other server, I put it in the root so it wouldn't be needed. What other changes do I need to make in the htaccess file? Its able to find all other files, no errors, except for the CSS files,which cause the non formatting. Everything else works fundamentally fine.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea I'll make it simple... I don't know on what infrastructure you are running and all the where abouts of your configurations. You don't seem to have the knowledge to understand that if you want to get helped then you have to do your part too, for example don't wait until we ask you but share your logs.

That'a what any experienced developer would do, at the least.

And yes, part of troubleshooting involve trying on multiple platform. So two or three server is pretty much nothing..

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea Get some experience before thinking you'll be the next Zukenberg

NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea I'll make it simple... I don't know on what infrastructure you are running and all the where abouts of your configurations. You don't seem to have the knowledge to understand that if you want to get helped then you have to do your part too, for example don't wait until we ask you but share your logs.

That'a what any experienced developer would do, at the least.

And yes, part of troubleshooting involve trying on multiple platform. So two or three server is pretty much nothing..

Like what are you even talking about? when did I ever claim I was a developer?????? furthermore an experienced one? I never said this was my thing

so 3 servers is nothing? you expect people to just keep going around paying for different hosting , I guess 7 different hosters, until they find one that works? that's ridiculous

I mean where do you get get this Zukenberg sillyness from? I never said PHP scripting or servers or anything like that was what I'm experienced in. I never said I was a know-it-all.YOu are all over the place and need to just chill out. If you don't want to help further fine, just stop replying. I'll chat with those who still care to

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea I think your css problem is being coursed by your .htaccess file not being configured properly. The configuration of your server is EVERYTHING. These problems you are reporting are not down to the script they are down to your server and the way you have it configured.

If this was easy to do everyone would be doing it right? Thing is it is NOT easy by any stretch of the word. It takes time, dedication and a lot of research/many hours of reading and learning.

Also why pay for hosting unless your site is live and being used? Install VirtualBox and set up some test servers. You can set up as many as you like and will cost you nothing! Once you see the best configuration that works for you then start looking for a host who will meet your needs.

I recommend TMDHosting.

NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea I think your css problem is being coursed by your .htaccess file not being configured properly. The configuration of your server is EVERYTHING. These problems you are reporting are not down to the script they are down to your server and the way you have it configured.

If this was easy to do everyone would be doing it right? Thing is it is NOT easy by any stretch of the word. It takes time, dedication and a lot of research/many hours of reading and learning.

Also why pay for hosting unless your site is live and being used? Install VirtualBox and set up some test servers. You can set up as many as you like and will cost you nothing! Once you see the best configuration that works for you then start looking for a host who will meet your needs.

I recommend TMDHosting.

Okay so you too say my htaccess file is not configured properly, but have not said what may be not configured. I mean "not configured properly" is rather vague,it could be anything. I am not a programmer nor sys admin.I am familiar with basic IT things and can follow simple instructions,which I normally do when installing scripts.So this isn't my first rodeo, I've installed several scripts without issue, most are just straight froward. In this case,I simply used the default, and read it,and remove the # from what I felt was required, which was the RewriteBase line. But if the hataccess is wrong, why can it access the other files on the script with no problem? seems like it would have trouble access multiple files and throwing up 404 errors, but I don't receive any. So telling a normal person a file is not configured properly, without even one hint of what to look in in the htaccess, isn't much helpful at all,but I thank you for your effort.

I never said this issue was easy, or alluded to such though, so not sure of that comment or the other guys comment.

As for virtualbox, you too are talking as if I'm an experienced programmer. I would need to learn how to set up my own servers and all that stuff. I've had a host for years and ran many scripts. This my first time seeing this particular issue. BUt again, most scripts are pretty straight forward, you just make sure your server has the script requirements and run install. I don't do any custom modification to scripts because I don't know how. BUt how does doing a virtual local server guarantee you how something will run on somebody else's server????? Because making sure it runs on the server I pay for is what counts

Just curious, is everybody that installs this script supposed to be a PHP programmer and know everything about servers and such? Because again, normal scripts you just run the install, then that's it. EVerything else you just make changes from the scripts admin section,not dealing with server level issues. At least that's the experience Ive had with past scripts I've installed.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea Yes people who use technical software shall be people who have knowledge of what they are doing...

Let say you are able to install this, after we all have helped you out do some simple things. What will you do next ? Ask people how to customize it for your needs ?

There's a thing called software testing, big company use beta testing to try out software before they do their real release and make people pay for it.

Maybe you should learn a bit where you're at...

GitHub is a developer platform for coder... So maybe you ain't at the good place. Like @Undefined-Variables said, I don't know where you are going or what's your goal but maybe you need to do other steps before trying to give this one a try.

Or simply use a hosting platform that will offer you the Softaculous system as this allow you to do "one click" install of most PHP software.

Because after installing it, if you don't have a clue about doing software development then I'm really wondering what's the goal. Unless it is to just make an installation like thousands of people can...


polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea Reading your last message I understood pretty much what I was thinking at first... You think that computing can be done as a "out of the box" solution and a click-to-do-the-job process.

If you'd been running sever for years and just leaving stuff as it is then maybe you shall do a bit further to learn.

Why Virtualbox ? So you can create a virtual server that will be the same configuration as the one you rent, so this allows you do to testing. That's how development is done, for example when you don't have the hardware yet (a new type of console like the PlayStation 8 for example or to try different hardware configurations).

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea Look what we are saying is if you want a bog standard installation of the software find a hosting company that uses the Softaculous system...

Installed??? Great! But now what? You now have a copy exactly the same as a million other people so how are you going to customize this to your needs? A new issue?

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea RewriteBase is only needed if you have installed in a sub folder and not directly in the public_html root folder.

NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea Yes people who use technical software shall be people who have knowledge of what they are doing...

Let say you are able to install this, after we all have helped you out do some simple things. What will you do next ? Ask people how to customize it for your needs ?

There's a thing called software testing, big company use beta testing to try out software before they do their real release and make people pay for it.

Maybe you should learn a bit where you're at...

GitHub is a developer platform for coder... So maybe you ain't at the good place. Like @Undefined-Variables said, I don't know where you are going or what's your goal but maybe you need to do other steps before trying to give this one a try.

Or simply use a hosting platform that will offer you the Softaculous system as this allow you to do "one click" install of most PHP software.

Because after installing it, if you don't have a clue about doing software development then I'm really wondering what's the goal. Unless it is to just make an installation like thousands of people can...


Lets not get silly, no I'm not going to ask for customization help. I know how to go through the admin and try different options. ANd I don't think computing is just right out the box, but lots of scripts sorta are: You do NOT need to be any type of seasonal coder or sys admin to install a dag on script!!! FOr scripts that are done right, the basic steps are: upload files to server with FTP chmod files per instructions

You do not need to be a software developer to do the things I listed above, that's nonsense!!

You do not need to go to school to learn how to do that. Non computer people can do that by just following instructions. Making virtual this and virtual that, learning how to create an htacces file is extra. Its like driving a car, anybody can drive one. you don't need to be an auto designer or know how the internal computer and system works. But I can assure you the computers that run modern day cars are very complex!!!

But again, how does running virtual box on my hosting machine gurantee me my script will work if I install it using Hostgator hosting?(I just picked random hoster). You saying because I run a server on a local machine its for sure gonna work on another totally different host??????

NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea Look what we are saying is if you want a bog standard installation of the software find a hosting company that uses the Softaculous system...

Installed??? Great! But now what? You now have a copy exactly the same as a million other people so how are you going to customize this to your needs? A new issue?

I don't have to customize it like that. I can simply make change via the options in the admin panel, I'm good. Can't I run my script the way I want?

and I know what rewrite base is, as I clearly explained it in my earlier posts.I mean the readme says so, I can read, I did the obvious. The readme even gives u an example on how to use rewrite base, I followed it. that's not the issue. But if it was, it would be crashing all over the place because it would be writing the urls wrong and not finding anything. As mentioned, I don't get any errors, the site functions fine. It just doesnt look pretty because of the CSS not coming up

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

If that is all you want install it using Softaculous... Job done!

Best of luck!

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables Remember the discussion we had about how bad Hostgator is ??

@NitWitPea Instead of choosing a "Random hosting provider" choose a good one ! Customizing doesn't mean only "playing around" in options on a menu, it does mean to edit code and do programming.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables Don't waste your time, he's wasted ! He can only follow straight forward instruction and repeat them like a robot. If there's some logic involve or understanding what he's doing then he will be totally screwed.

So next thing's gonna happened is that he's going to have another problem and think we're a technical support like what Microsoft offer and take him by the hand.


Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

@polynamaude Yes I do remember that conversation, terrible hosting company! I have to say I have been very impressed with TMDHosting! The support response times is impressive and their level of understanding is spot on. Now we are on dedicated server I can change anything I need so won't require the support anymore but its reassuring to know the option is there if needed.

@NitWitPea I have to come back to this car analogy you used... The person driving the car in this example is a website user and not the person responsible for programming it! You did make me laugh though!

NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables Remember the discussion we had about how bad Hostgator is ??

@NitWitPea Instead of choosing a "Random hosting provider" choose a good one ! Customizing doesn't mean only "playing around" in options on a menu, it does mean to edit code and do programming.

Why are you still replying? okay cool you're a super computer and programming guru, we get it. But now you're just replying just to twist my words to make it seem like you're right about everything,its ridiculous.

You need to be able to comprehend words better. Whether Hostgator is a good company or bad company, or to simply pick a good company off break, is not the point I was trying to make. It flew right over your head.

Again, I only need help on the installation. After that, I'm done. You can always assume and use your imagination all day that I'm going to come back ask for this and ask for that, but again, its just a terrible assumption that I don't know why you're harping on.

You're also doing a silly play on words: customizing is editing and coding and programming, smh. I told you all I need to do is change things in admin. I changed the name of the script to DMV, that alone is customizing, it changes the site to what I want it to be. Go look up the definition of the word customizing!!!

So again, why do you keep replying? it makes no sense

NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

@polynamaude Yes I do remember that conversation, terrible hosting company! I have to say I have been very impressed with TMDHosting! The support response times is impressive and their level of understanding is spot on. Now we are on dedicated server I can change anything I need so won't require the support anymore but its reassuring to know the option is there if needed.

@NitWitPea I have to come back to this car analogy you used... The person driving the car in this example is a website user and not the person responsible for programming it! You did make me laugh though!

Again,how good Hostgator is compared to TDhosting is not the issue behind the question I asked about using a virtual server locally. Not at all.

And I don't get what you said about the car. My point is a website user,or just about anybody can drive a car, without knowing how to program the computer that's inside of modern day cars. They make simply instructions like -put key in ignition, turn steering wheel,put foot on gas pedal to make it go.... But whole time there is a very complicated computer that you need to know nothing about, that actually makes the car go and give you details like Mph and stuff. It seems you and poly are saying we need to be a head automotive architecture just to drive a car! which makes no common sense.

Because after you install the script , the average person DOES NOT NEED TO KNOW A THING ABOUT PHP OR PROGRAMMING. None of that is needed to change options in admin. This is beyond wild, smh

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea I told you sign in to cPanel and scroll down to the very bottom and click on PH7CMS


polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea We'd be nice enough to try warning you that you are just wasting your time. We tried the nice way and now you get the hard way.

In your head you may think this or that but you don't have a clue about what's this particular script. It's closer to a framework than a complete CMS so you will need some programming even if the only thing you want is change some text. And same goes for editing the template, you'll need to read the coding of them.

NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea I told you sign in to cPanel and scroll down to the very bottom and click on PH7CMS


Who do you assume I have cpanel? Why do you assume I have a server with softaculous? And I'm sure you know softaculous never has the updated version of the scripts. Where in the requirements does it say a dedicated server or cpanel is required?

Can you just mention one thing to look for in the htaccess file since you set that was the problem?

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago


NitWitPea commented 4 years ago


Finally. thanks

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea I told you sign in to cPanel and scroll down to the very bottom and click on PH7CMS


@Undefined-Variables I don't remember if Hostgator does offer Softaculous but it shall give him a start. The only other thing I can tell him is to try out another release or pay bucks and go use UNA !

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea No one forces you to use this software AND ask question here. If you ain't happy about the nice people who answer you, we don't tie you up to our forum.

If my memory is good you had problem using the installer too !

NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea No one forces you to use this software AND ask question here. If you ain't happy about the nice people who answer you, we don't tie you up to our forum.

If my memory is good you had problem using the installer too !

You don't want to help, I get it. But why do you always try to make people who come in and ask for help feel like they are dump as rocks, because they chose to get another degree from college, other than one computer science related?

Do you beat your chest every post when you let them know you know computers better than them?

And once again, you still cant comprehend the basic english words I write. I never said I have Hostgator hosting, smh. I clearly said it was a random example. I could have said TD hosting, the point was what I said after hostgator:

If I run a virtual server on a local machine,how does that mean its for sure gonna work on another totally different host?????? It seems the whole point would be to make sure the script runs on a host that I would be paying for. So making sure it works on that host, would be the most common sense way to me

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea No one forces you to use this software AND ask question here. If you ain't happy about the nice people who answer you, we don't tie you up to our forum. If my memory is good you had problem using the installer too !

You don't want to help, I get it. But why do you always try to make people who come in and ask for help feel like they are dump as rocks, because they chose to get another degree from college, other than one computer science related?

Do you beat your chest every post when you let them know you know computers better than them?

And once again, you still cant comprehend the basic english words I write. I never said I have Hostgator hosting, smh. It's sad you can't read and understand the points people make written in plain englsih

I am self educated thank you! I did Plumbing & Heating after finishing school but got bored of it.

NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea No one forces you to use this software AND ask question here. If you ain't happy about the nice people who answer you, we don't tie you up to our forum. If my memory is good you had problem using the installer too !

You don't want to help, I get it. But why do you always try to make people who come in and ask for help feel like they are dump as rocks, because they chose to get another degree from college, other than one computer science related? Do you beat your chest every post when you let them know you know computers better than them? And once again, you still cant comprehend the basic english words I write. I never said I have Hostgator hosting, smh. It's sad you can't read and understand the points people make written in plain englsih

I am self educated thank you! I did Plumbing & Heating after finishing school but got bored of it.

That was a reply to a post by Poly, but if it applied to you then.......

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea What you don't get and don't want to get is that finding a solution ain't a thing about "Just do this and try that", if the person doesn't give you what's needed to make her suggestion then you're wasted.

And that's the case here. We told you to look inside your logs, you never did so. How can you know what arise to the request made under "assets" if you don't look at the results in the logs ?

We know it's surely caused by an htaccess problem because it's what happens when Apache doesn't handle the call properly. Also have you enabled "debugging" in the admin panel ?

This is what you said

But again, how does running virtual box on my hosting machine gurantee me my script will work if I install it using Hostgator hosting?(I just picked random hoster). You saying because I run a server on a local machine its for sure gonna work on another totally different host??????

It's not a thing about being better or not. It's a thing about knowing what you are doing and your limit. If I go out at the store and buy a plumber wrench and afterward I say, hey that tool doesn't work how it is and complain, then the problem is myself. Why ? Because I went out and got a professional tool when I'm not a professional.

Same goes for some software, what you are installing is something similar to Symfony, Laravel or such. It's more of a framework than something standalone like Joomla, Dolphin, Elgg, etc...

Got it now or do you need more ?