pH7Software / pH7-Social-Dating-CMS

😻 pH7Builder (formerly pH7CMS) is a Professional & Open Source Social Dating CMS written in PHP 8 πŸš€ This Social Dating Script aims to be low resource-intensive, powerful and secure. pH7Builder includes over 40 modules. It is the first Professional, Free & Open Source Social Dating Site Builder Software and the first choice for enterprise level Da
MIT License
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Fresh install, but images/format/CSS are not showing :( #697

Closed NitWitPea closed 4 years ago

NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

I searched before I made this post. I saw several people with the same problem but all the tickets got closed because they took so long to reply, so I can't find resolution.

Everythings seems to functionally work well. On front end and in the admin, just that again there's no formatting or I believe CSS, so like the links go from top of page to bottom. I don't get any error messages, no visual messages of anything being broken

I've tried to clear cache, when you click the cache, does it give you any confirmation that I did anything? I just see void(0);

apache server, rewrite is working(just had to had rewritebase), php 5.6 what more information do you need? thanks


polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea For your information, I don't have a degree in computer science. I have more than one degree, the first one was in electricity when I got out of high school, afterward I got a master in psychology and a PhD in cognitive science later on... I mostly learn computing on my own, and later I taught computing in college.

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea For your information, I don't have a degree in computer science. I have more than one degree, the first one was in electricity when I got out of high school, afterward I got a master in psychology and a PhD in cognitive science later on... I mostly learn computing on my own, and later I taught computing in college.

Nice :)

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea If I ask you how to run piping for my wires in the wall but don't know how to use a saw. What will you say ? That I'm better to leave the job for someone else or at least pay you for help because I'm not going to need only help, I'll need you mostly do all of it for me.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea For your information, I don't have a degree in computer science. I have more than one degree, the first one was in electricity when I got out of high school, afterward I got a master in psychology and a PhD in cognitive science later on... I mostly learn computing on my own, and later I taught computing in college.

Nice :)

I did more than that, we're lucky to have the same education fees here for whatever program you do. So at most a University year cost you around 2500$ and that's the same for college. So I did classes after work for most of my twenty.

You try nicely to explain to people that they aren't at the good place but until you put them hard in their face, they just don't get it. Maybe he just like to waste his time by installing software to see what they look like !

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea For your information, I don't have a degree in computer science. I have more than one degree, the first one was in electricity when I got out of high school, afterward I got a master in psychology and a PhD in cognitive science later on... I mostly learn computing on my own, and later I taught computing in college.

Nice :)

I did more than that, we're lucky to have the same education fees here for whatever program you do. So at most a University year cost you around 2500$ and that's the same for college. So I did classes after work for most of my twenty.

You try nicely to explain to people that they aren't at the good place but until you put them hard in their face, they just don't get it. Maybe he just like to waste his time by installing software to see what they look like !

Yeah I did a similar sort of thing really, qualified as a mechanic first, then went college and did NVQ in Plumbing, Heating and Gas Works then one day just took a chance quit my job and went for the thing I really wanted to do. Sometimes you just have to do what your heart is telling you and not your head!

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables I had so many person coming to my office complaining that when they arrived at 40-50 years old they discovered that they had forced themselves doing things they didn't like...And now they want to change of life...

Pursue your dream, do what you like and not what people expect of you. People love what we call in French "statut quo" or the art of staying as it is, they are scared of the change. But that's the only road to big regrets.

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables I had so many person coming to my office complaining that when they arrived at 40-50 years old they discovered that they had forced themselves doing things they didn't like...And now they want to change of life...

Pursue your dream, do what you like and not what people expect of you. People love what we call in French "statut quo" or the art of staying as it is, they are scared of the change. But that's the only road to big regrets.

Couldn't agree more :)

NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea What you don't get and don't want to get is that finding a solution ain't a thing about "Just do this and try that", if the person doesn't give you what's needed to make her suggestion then you're wasted.

And that's the case here. We told you to look inside your logs, you never did so. How can you know what arise to the request made under "assets" if you don't look at the results in the logs ?

We know it's surely caused by an htaccess problem because it's what happens when Apache doesn't handle the call properly. Also have you enabled "debugging" in the admin panel ?

This is what you said

But again, how does running virtual box on my hosting machine gurantee me my script will work if I install it using Hostgator hosting?(I just picked random hoster). You saying because I run a server on a local machine its for sure gonna work on another totally different host??????

It's not a thing about being better or not. It's a thing about knowing what you are doing and your limit. If I go out at the store and buy a plumber wrench and afterward I say, hey that tool doesn't work how it is and complain, then the problem is myself. Why ? Because I went out and got a professional tool when I'm not a professional.

Same goes for some software, what you are installing is something similar to Symfony, Laravel or such. It's more of a framework than something standalone like Joomla, Dolphin, Elgg, etc...

Got it now or do you need more ?

Got it? you can't comprehend an english sentence well. It said

"how does running virtual box on my hosting machine gurantee me my script will work if I install it using Hostgator hosting?(I just picked random hoster). You saying because I run a server on a local machine its for sure gonna work on another totally different host??????`"

And you replied "It's not a thing about being better or not. It's a thing about knowing what you are doing and your limit."

It has NOTHING to do with a host being better than the other. If I know how to set up a virtual server, you still not asnwering the question about how it assures it will work on another physical server. smh

NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

yall are just way off topic now we're talking about CSS/formatting not showing up yall are all over the place if I need advice on my path of life, trust me, this is not the place I will come for help, so save all that stuff to yourself

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea Okay, you're just plainly trying to be more stupid that you can be. There's no absolute in the world and even less in the computer world.

We gave you a trick to try out, you didn't want to do so. What can we do better !

The guy ask for help, we tell him to do something and he says "No" I have no guarantee this will work. Go search what "Differential Diagnostics" means and apply it to your computer problem.

If you build a virtual machine that has the same software configuration than your host and it does work then you have the answer that the problem is located in your network configuration, for example how the IP address is sent to the PHP processor.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea And yes this is all related because if you had enough knowledge to use this, you wouldn't waste our time asking questions and you'd give a try to the advice we tell you.

You are not in front of a simple system like two pipe not fitting together. So there's many variables involves and one of the best way to find the solution is by doing a form of trial / error and isolating each of them.

Because yes, sometime using big infrastructure means that the outside IP of the server ain't the same one as the public IP and this may cause problem when using a pre-fetch like cURL.

And that's another reason to look inside your logs. Which you seem to be hell scared to do.

NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea And yes this is all related because if you had enough knowledge to use this, you wouldn't waste our time asking questions and you'd give a try to the advice we tell you.

You are not in front of a simple system like two pipe not fitting together. So there's many variables involves and one of the best way to find the solution is by doing a form of trial / error and isolating each of them.

Because yes, sometime using big infrastructure means that the outside IP of the server ain't the same one as the public IP and this may cause problem when using a pre-fetch like cURL.

And that's another reason to look inside your logs. Which you seem to be hell scared to do.

Why are you still replying? I thought u were done

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

Probably doesn't know what a log is!

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables He doesn't make the difference between me and you. You said "Bye Bye", I didn't do so !

He just don't want to get helped. He can't even say what hosting provider he use or share anything but expect us to find solution for him. That's just the proof that he's wasted. But I always expect people to get "lighted" so maybe he's going to get some understanding one day.

NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables He doesn't make the difference between me and you. You said "Bye Bye", I didn't do so !

He just don't want to get helped. He can't even say what hosting provider he use or share anything but expect us to find solution for him. That's just the proof that he's wasted. But I always expect people to get "lighted" so maybe he's going to get some understanding one day.

So you just get off on your self being condescending in every post you make? No, I don't want the help, so now, can you please move along off my post? thanks in advance

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables Why doesn't he just close his GitHub account and stop bothering people ? He don't do nothing else than open issue here...

NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables Why doesn't he just close his GitHub account and stop bothering people ? He don't do nothing else than open issue here...

For your information, this is the only time I've posted on github, is this script. So how in the world am I bothering people? I've used a couple other scripts found on github without issue thank you. I first opened my account here for a script used for my home security system. I knew nothing about the internals of the script, but all I had to do was copy the script(written in plain text) and past it into a module for my system. Yet another example how you can be clueless about computer code to get the script to work. I do not need to be a seasoned computer coder to copy and past text and place it where directed. smh

Can you for the 1st time in your life make a statement that's not condescending? I thought we already established you are the computer god here. Why do you keep proclaiming it every post you make?

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea Why don't you just copy and paste your server logs here and you might get a helpful response.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables How's your server doing ? Had many customization done on the code?

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

Yeah its going very well! We only officially launched our site 7 weeks ago, we have almost 600 members so growing nicely and of course I wrote a custom template for it and have added a lot of features like an API that uploads user video to another server where its converted to 720p & 1080p HD quality video with ffmpeg and the response the url of the video. This is saved in database and can be played on the users profile via an iframe. This is great to stop video conversion from using all the servers CPU power!

I have done so much listing it all would take me a day :)

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables That's exactly the way to do when you want to have an architecture that can be scaled. You simply divide your process into many services and split them a different place. This can be running MySQL from a different server than your web server or like you now do for processing the videos.

What I can suggest you look for your videos is the different Google compute engine. There's one that you pay by hours (at a minute rate or so) for computing time. You can use something like this for all your videos processing because it is very easy to scale up. You simply choose a more powerful offer.

That's another level of virtualization. I'm glad it's working out for you. User base are exponential (not really but close to) so the hardest is your first thousand. Afterward people will know your service and people will want to use it because people they know are already on it.

If you ever want a hand, let me know.

Like we already talked, as long you want to learn then I'll be there behind to help.


Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

@ polynamaude I'm so sorry I've only just seen this reply while looking though my inbox, you must think I'm being rude, I assure you that is not the case at all!

The thought of having to set a complete system in this way has always interested me, having a rack of servers all doing there own part and coming to get her like a well tuned machine is something I am going to try one day!

I absolutely love the idea of outsourcing conversation cpu needs to these Google engines, and if we need to expand in the future I think this is the first avenue I will explore, cheap and reliable is all you can hope to find and this seems like a great way to go!

We are approaching 700 now and starting to gain a little momentum, the first 300 join but don't return very often but we are slowly seeing repeat visitors! Think what you said makes perfect sense once make friends they tend to want to stay put! It's definitely headed in the right direction.

I am a keen and fast learner and always exploring new areas! A few weeks ago video codecs were something I knew nothing about and now I have a good understanding of how this works so I'm always open to advice from people more advanced than myself like you!

Unfortunately still have a issue that no one seems to be able to sovle It's one of them annoying ones! I'm reachable at hey at my username here dot com

Thanks for advice

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea Do you still wish to solve this issue? I have something I'd like you to try...

stale[bot] commented 4 years ago

Hi there :) It looks like there has been no activity on this issue recently. For this reason, this issue has been marked as archived. It will be closed in 7 days if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contribution! 😊

NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea Do you still wish to solve this issue? I have something I'd like you to try...

yes, but if its:

RewriteRule ^index.php/module/action/param1/./(.+)$ /$1 [L,R=301]

then I already tried that and it didn't work

NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea Do you still wish to solve this issue? I have something I'd like you to try...

not sure how/why it closed. replying to reopen

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea This issue got close because it has been inactive for 7 days. At last we requested you to publish your logs and gave you some hints. You never got back and this is how it goes... A bit like someone who goes to the doctor because he feel sick but don't want to be examined, don't want any laboratory test and expect to get some answer.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea Like I already said, the first thing is to share your logs. The 2nd will be to disable the minifier, compressor and all other similar preprocessing options in the admin panel. Also you can set the debug option in config.ini

Just remembered what was this thread... Hey ! Good luck... continue opening the issue when it closes and maybe someone will help you one day. Even more with everything you give us as good information about your system we'll sure be able to reproduce what's happening !

Ever took a minute to read the "How to report a bug" for Oracle Database ? Or even the Linux Kernel ? First thing, when does it happen and how we can reproduce it ? If you don't give that, there's no chance anyone will ever help you out. It's not every system that is alike and not every software either. This one need a bit of custom work depending on your config. We tried to explain that to you but seem only to be holding to your own belief and desire to feel like you ain't part of the problem.

No need to open this thread when it will close by itself again... as you're just wasting your time. You told off the two person who could have gave you a real hand here...

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

Read this

Then after changing the setting clear both browser and server cache and reload page!

NitWitPea commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea This issue got close because it has been inactive for 7 days. At last we requested you to publish your logs and gave you some hints. You never got back and this is how it goes... A bit like someone who goes to the doctor because he feel sick but don't want to be examined, don't want any laboratory test and expect to get some answer.

No, it was never closed because of inactivity,it was only closed because I closed it by hitting close on the reply by accident, instead of hitting comment.The bot came in just to alert it WOULD close, bot never closed it.

@polynamaude Like I already said, the first thing is to share your logs. The 2nd will be to disable the minifier, compressor and all other similar preprocessing options in the admin panel. Also you can set the debug option in config.ini

Please read this whole thread I tried MANY things INCLUDING this exact same thing you mentioned and I EVEN POSTED A PICTURE of doing this. I think I was asked 3 times to do this even after I stated and posted that I did

Ever took a minute to read the "How to report a bug" for Oracle Database ? Or even the Linux Kernel ? First thing, when does it happen and how we can reproduce it ? If you don't give that, there's no chance anyone will ever help you out. It's not every system that is alike and not every software either. This one need a bit of custom work depending on your config. We tried to explain that to you but seem only to be holding to your own belief and desire to feel like you ain't part of the problem.

No need to open this thread when it will close by itself again... as you're just wasting your time. You told off the two person who could have gave you a real hand here...

As I already mentioned, I'm not a developer and don't plan to try to be one, so I'm not reading any oracle database books. There's plenty of people running this script who aren't developers like me and never read about oracel or linux,because it worked by following the simple install instructions.Not everybody customizes this script in every way possible. IT would work fine as is for me. Its okay for me to use the script as I want it

Now the now sure why you say not to open and why waste my time when it was yall who clearly asked me to try something so I came back and replied!!!! otherwise the thread would have died, but again I was CLEARLY asked!!

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

It was me who asked you to try something! Have you tried what is explained in the link I included in the previous reply?

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

It’s important to direct your abuse at the correct person especially when they are trying to help you! πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea It is also important to understand that to configure this script may need some good knowledge of IT system. Like I already said, even if you don't plan to do big modifications, it may require some configuration and this means work to be done....

You'd be better using another software for your CMS... Just like that...

And for your affirmation about the type of user who run this script, I'm pretty sure I know better than you do.

@Undefined-Variables It's also you (and me) who asked him to share his logs, what he has never did. This would allow us to dig into how the request are getting processed.

I think this guy just need a place where he can scream out that he's pissed that this doesn't work out of the box !

Same as someone who'd install Code Igniter and would say it need some configuration before being able to display data from a database.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea If you ain't a developer then setup a free installation of Softaculous and go on with your life. This will allow you to use pH7CMS and many others with a one-click no-brain no-think dumb-based solution.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea Understand no one asked you nothing. That's all automated... And for your information, you won't get more help than what you already got...

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables I don't know where you get this with your param1 rule in Apache mod_rewrite.

Like PH told you when the PR request was made, pH7CMS doesn't have such type of request. Maybe it's your own modification that make use of this form of request ?

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

Hey @polynamaude, Param1 is picked up from


On line 337 by the cache function used to cache the sitemap and rss data. This can be disabled like I explained in the post I linked to this issue. The reason it happens is due to shared hosting providers limiting the inode use on shared servers, it confuses the cache function and puts a completely random URL together that makes no sense and uses no module that is available but instead of throwing an exception like you would expect it displays everything minus the CSS scripts.

The rule was a bit of a bodge and solved the problem for the time it took to investigate the real cause. It took days of testing but I found the problem in the end . Since making the change explained we have not had this problem since.

I have seen a lot of other people asking for help with this so I have explained it in the post above so I can point anyone to it and not have to repeat myself over and over :)

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables I totally understand what you say about the inodes on shared hosting. What I'm talking about is your rewrite rule... I will take a deeper look later on but I don't get it why disabling cache through the Apache configuration...

But there's better way to do it and you can do so by using a client side cache. Go see Google Workbox... You can get a good idea of it's working by looking at their Progressive Web Application tutorial.

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

Well we where getting a URL like this for an example

This was displaying the page but not the CSS however if you removed the extra segments in the URL manually in the address bar to this

The page would load normally so I wrote the rule to do this automatically and it worked but was not a long term solution to the problem as it just masks it and does not solve it.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea Let me explain one thing regarding what's called issues and bugs on software. Not every software installation is the same. And we have to develop computer software than can run in a huge amount of different situation, over a range of platform.

So as we build the software we make some code to manage with such difference. A simple example of this would be the case matching on file systems. If you run on a Windows machine and see a file called "This file", depending on the type of underlying filesystem it will be managed differently. On a NTFS drive you could have two file in the same folder, one named "This file" and another called "This File" and both would be okay. If you try the same on a vFat drive then it won't work.

In all case, if you make a system call trying to open "This file" or "THIS FILE" on a vFat drive, the result will be the same because even if the system make a difference between upper and lower case when it comes to display of the file name, for the access itself it remains case insensitive. That's something that date from long time ago and couldn't really be changed unless making breaking change in many places.

On Unix-based system, the case is relevant whatever you are talking about, well nearly all the case.

So this is something a software that deals with the use of file for caching must be able to manage. And there's some test done inside the software that will make it act in a different way depending on what you are running on.

This is only one example but there's many and many more difference that may arise. Be it in the firewall deal with request made to the localhost (, the passing of some variables from the web server and to the way you can call some utilities (cUrl for example).

So developer do their best to try covering all the possible case that may arise and adapt to them.

But computer science ain't something absolute !

So there's time where it fails a bit. The more people use a software, the more chance we have to get into on of those case that wasn't covered by the initial coding. So when one of those arise, the developer will make it's software evolve.

That's why when you look at the bug disclosure procedure for any software, they'll ask you what type of system you are running on and many other question. This allow them to figure out what may be the underlying problem.

For example if there's two different setup, one of them is working fine, the other is failing at some point with a cache problem. One of them is running on version of Windows 10 and the other is running another version of Windows 10 then we can figure out that a change between those two version of windows could have caused the breakdown. We'll then look at what changes we're made on Windows (in the case of Windows, the investigation is always painful). Same goes for difference in version of Linux, except we have access to the source code so it's quite easy to figure out the changes.

The difference could also be one regarding the web server, the network configuration, etc. For example the server hosted on Amazon are normally behind a reverse proxy so we can't rely on some variables to know our outside IP address.

Why so much information is needed to get down to a solution is that we don't want only to get something running but also find out what was causing the problem. This way we can make a real fix and at the same time adapt the software so it will better adapt to all situation.

And this goes on for every type of software. For example old software don't deal really well with computer using two sound card. They don't allow you to choose between both. Why ? Because the developer presumed there would be only one sound card, so the software test for a sound device, if it gets a true then it open the sound output device and pass a handler inside the rest of the software. So there's no way to tell this software "Hey I want you to use my other sound card".

Also, you said many time "All other script run this way, you install them and voila !". That may be true for some of the big player like Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, TYPO, XooPs, etc but it's far from being universal. Also, there's no specific rule regarding this, so in fact you will find some software that will need a bit more work to get working. And yes, this is how it goes. That's why there's so much a big offering, because there's different need for different people.

Because this software ain't getting used by thousands of user then we don't have a big user base to test it out. So you may end up being the unlucky one that will discover one of those case where all the use-case of different system wasn't covered.

There's nothing useful in making comparison with other software, every bit of code is different. There's no use to compare this software, that was mainly written by nearly only one person and other script, some who may have big corporation behind.

By repeating over and over again that you have no desire to learn you don't give people much will to invest in helping you out.

Hope this explains to you a bit more... Because it's easy to think that bug reporting mean technical support. That's totally different.... we can push pretty far the help beyond the simple bug hunting / reporting but we ain't able to help people on a step-by-step level until they get it running. Don't confuse us with the support you can get for Joomla / Wordpress who have thousands of users.

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

Well explained @polynamaude. You are so right about windows and the issues caused by changes and updates and the difficulty caused by not being able to see the source code, Windows involves creating dump files and painfully using there debugger that is at best hard to comprehend. This is why my preferred O/S is always a Linux distribution. Windows has nice graphical benefits but for our type of use Linux wins hands down.

@NitWitPea I have no problem trying to help you but you have to meet us half way and do the things we ask. So if @polynamaude says can we see your log you copy and paste your log and help will continue but if you just give a load of spill about not being a developer how can we help? We cant teach you to be a developer and you have to be willing to help us to help you.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables Like he says, he doesn't want to become a developer either. So he's asking for help but doesn't really want to make any type of effort. Even if this means to just get some knowledge about how the system work from the inside. If it require anything more than clicking his way through then he's going to give you the answer that he's not a developer. He's a end-user we could say...

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@NitWitPea I have a little example that maybe better and simpler... I'm not too much of a "manual" type person even if I'm pretty good at it. I never got much experience but I still like to do the things I can myself.

I live in a big city and own a condo in a multiple unit tower. People abuse of the law because in Quebec it's really a long procedure when you want to have any procedure to expel someone from a housing unit. So some people will sub-rent their own unit for a very high fee, knowing that they are renting to people who are going to be selling drugs or running prostitution house. They rent a 1000/month of payment unit at a price of 4000-5000/month. When neighbors or the management complains they hide under the court delay to continue making cash until there's a judicial decision. And afterward they take all the time possible to get it executed, that's at least a six month before going in front of the judge, a month to get the decision by the court clerk, another month for the bailiff to go deliver the decision of eviction, plus delay to get a forced execution by the sheriff and when it's drug dealer or gang related then you have the delay to coordinate with the local police.

So all this cause problem to other people around who do pay the bank their fees and just want a normal life. And because of those guy we've got bugs in our apartment. Even if we make pest control come, it doesn't do much as the bugs will find their way in the hallways or through some holes for piping.

So I went out a got some gap fillers foam and silicone for the base board around the doors. It was my first putting some expending foam. I got the real professional stuff. I made a bit of a mess at first so I tried on some piece of wood to get some practice.

Can I go out and blame the company who sold me the product because I can't use it properly ? For sure I go on the comment section of the local store and I see people complaining it doesn't work good. Still, I saw real professional using this and it worked out good.

So you can't blame people when you get stuff made for professional or people with some knowledge. Like I said, there's different offering for different customer, different market.

A bit like you can buy a car on-board computer programmer on Wish and other e-commerce site. Does this mean those are general-use product ? I doubt ! I think you could even ruin your engine by playing with the inner way it works. Luckily there's not much risk when it comes to software...

It's a bit the same here. Even more, you get it for free. And if you look at the LICENSE you'll see there's so guarantee of any type for any purpose or any guarantee it will do anything for you. At it's like this for nearly all the software on open-source license, either MIT, BSD-3, GPL, LGPL, AGPL, etc.

For sure you can answer me that you ain't a lawyer so you never took the time to read the license file. But still, it's how it goes.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago
Hi there :) It looks like there has been no activity on this issue recently. For this reason, this issue has been marked as archived. It will be closed in 7 days if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contribution! 😊

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stale[bot] commented 4 years ago

Hi there :) It looks like there has been no activity on this issue recently. For this reason, this issue has been marked as archived. It will be closed in 7 days if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contribution! 😊

stale[bot] commented 4 years ago

Hi again, since you didn't get back to me, I assume the problem is fixed. I'm closing it by now. If it isn't the case, please feel free to open a new issue. Thank you! 😺 Pierre-Henry πŸ€–

ultra-pool commented 4 years ago

I get the same problems and non of the pages work and admin panel. Still haven't been able to fix this crap.

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

I have a fully working and customized website that runs on this software and runs very nicely. You need to have PHP and JS experience to be able to make this what you want it to be!

That being said there is plenty of help available if you go about it the right way. Open an issue and explain your exact problem and how we can reproduce it and I promise you help will present itself.

ultra-pool commented 4 years ago

I do alot of PHP and JS stuff. And this still a pain. It would be better if it had better doc's to help. Not haven't to waste hours on top of hours searching on github for a maybe fix.

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

Yes but nothing worth doing was ever easy! This software has its problems but this is the same with all software at one time the difference being the big corps have tons of money, tens of thousands of employees and as much time as they like. The rest of us have to work to make money in between our personal projects.