pH7Software / pH7-Social-Dating-CMS

😻 pH7Builder (formerly pH7CMS) is a Professional & Open Source Social Dating CMS written in PHP 8 🚀 This Social Dating Script aims to be low resource-intensive, powerful and secure. pH7Builder includes over 40 modules. It is the first Professional, Free & Open Source Social Dating Site Builder Software and the first choice for enterprise level Da
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How to change to #744

Closed MKDan closed 4 years ago

MKDan commented 4 years ago

How to change to

And how to change the "Title" and "H1" tag of the "Browse Members" to "My SEO Text"

I'm during this for the page to rank for the "My SEO Text"

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@MKDan Hi ! Sorry but I doubt it's the good place for your question. This is mainly a developer forum for issues relating to the pH7CMS. We don't have the time, energy and resources to start giving a hand will all sort of problem related to general web development. Yes we're nice enough to answer some question that goes a bit over the line but we do so on a occasional basis, when it's already in line with a open topic. You'll find much help on website like W3C and other.

All the display files are in the template folder. You can search inside the folder itself using fgrep on your terminal screen. So simply search a piece of text and you'll see where it is. Maybe it's a string translated and you'll get it in the locales. I'm pretty sure it is !

You can use a software like POEdit to update your locale.

Also, it's already a bit hazardous trying to find answer in all the issues, we try to limit unrelated ones so the number stays down.

Here some links pH7CMS Doc pH7CMS Wiki Change promo texts Translate

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

I agree I just spent half hour answering one question in detail for you, maybe you need to hire a developer if you wish to make so many changes.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables The problem is not with the desire to make changes. I don't mind to do orientation but when what's needed is teaching development that's another story.... Like you need to either have some basic knowledge or at least say "I've tried this, that and that" so that people see you've did part of the work.

I think many person land here thinking "Gonna build the next Badoo and be rich !" but forget that if it would be so easy then other people had think about it before them, and they'd be rich too... They think that because they have some knowledge (we all know more than someone in something) they'll just run a site...

It's the problem that come over and over when you talk about dating site.

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

@polynamaude yeah you are right most people see this as a easy ticket to a dating site but most don't want to put any effort in to learning the way it works they just want it to work magically...

Personally I couldn't care less about being rich, that is the wrong reason to start any website, I am here for my love of developing and I enjoy seeing the final result more than anything, money is the root of all evil. Hate it!

MKDan commented 4 years ago

I'm sorry if I have offended you.

I guess I can find the source file in PHPMyAdmin and just edit the text. Not sure, how to change the URL though. I will give a try and tell you.

But I just don't know, will it be ok with the next updates of ph7cms. Also, there is no community forum for ph7cms.

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

You haven't offended anyone, we are simply trying to explain the things you want to change are a lot of work and we don't have the free time to talk people though every thing they wish to change, the software is a full complete working package and any customization is down to the person who wants to see these changes. We don't mind offering advice on one issue on a change that has been attempted but failed but the issues opened are asking for step by step help and no body here has that amount of free time.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@MKDan Yes, you are right, there's no community forum. I'll repeat myself (again), we don't have that much resources and many people, so we're limited. Don't compare this project with others and expect the same here...

I've seen you opened a account for the only reason of getting here. So I'll make my opinion that you ain't a developer.

Like I already wrote to you, the answer is in my message for what you are looking for. And yes, sometime thing won't always work. So learning is a try again game...

There's a pretty simple answer that you'll learn fast enough if you continue asking question when you've got the answer in your face or easy to find. It's called RTFM...

If you start asking question that you've got an easy answer then you'll just see than in the end people will stop helping you out because you'll have use everything they had to give. And when they see your question, they'll just say "Why ? I'll guide him a bit and he won't do his part". There's end user and there's people doing development or at least wanting to. And here ain't the best place to learn.

And I can say, to learn because I've never wrote nothing about using MySQL (or any Database) for translation...

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@MKDan How can you find a source file in phpMyAdmin ? Have you ever used a command line ? Sorry but I don't think you are at the right place... Maybe Una is better for you... Or some software that you can just "Click your way around".

There's also HumHub But I don't know much about them... Or even Elgg or TikiCMS....

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables You laughing out loud ? Don't make too much noise... And don't invite friend over... that's an offense in the kindom of the Queen as there's virus spreading around...

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

Sorry @polynamaude you made me laugh with that last reply! I know right we are all on lock down and they just extended it another 3wks!

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

@polynamaude are you on any kind of lock down?

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables It's time to do programming as there's nothing else to do ! In Canada we're a very socialist country. They gave 2000/month for everyone because we're on lockdown and everything except emergency services or the public service is at rest.

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

Yes its the same here, key workers like doctors, nurses, etc are only people allowed to travel, government are paying all wages (not sure how they can afford too), and everything is shut down.

Our prime minister got the virus and only just made it. This is worrying times, they had no choice if they didn't shut down it would have spread faster than the NHS could help people!

Definitely a time to program... Stay safe :)

MKDan commented 4 years ago

@MKDan How can you find a source file in phpMyAdmin ? Yeah, the source files are in the file manager and phpMyAdmin is for the database.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables Yeah, I've read that for Borris Johnson. That's basic of economy... the governement can pay all the wages because they know that on long term things will settle down and that productivity is going to rise. I compare this to welfare. If you just leave people going down to zero, they won't really be able to get back on track and be productive. But if as a society, we help the people in need then they can become productive again.

For example a mom who's got a 5 years old kid. If you let her starve with no income, then her kid is going to have big problem, get bad grade in school, etc. But if you give her some income, offer health service, etc then she's going to be able to take care of the kid. The child gona grow up and become a productive member of society, pay taxes, etc.

Same goes for the crime rate. When you travel to Africa you see that people don't have much choice other than to keep their car inside a garage and have big fence around their house. If not, they get attacked. And they can't let their kids walk to school. And same goes for business. But instead if you give a minimum income to the people in need then they don't have to steal to feed their kids and all this shit. And in the end, the little amount it cost to society with welfare is far less than what would be costing as a whole as lost productivity caused by criminality.

Same goes for what we are doing now by paying wages. Don't forget that governement don't have a bank account like yours. On the end, it's related to the value of the british pound that it will impact.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@MKDan What's the link between the "File Manager" and phpMyAdmin ? Just like that, they both work in the browser is a wrong answer.

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

Ideally you would use an IDE or even a basic text editor and not the in-browser tools in the admin panel.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

I guess I can find the source file in PHPMyAdmin and just edit the text. Not sure, how to change the URL though. I will give a try and tell you.

So you edit source file in phpMyAdmin...

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables There's some in-browser IDE like Codiad or similar... there's even one by Amazon called ACE (Amazon Code Editor) but they ain't part of pH7CMS...

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables Yeah, I've read that for Borris Johnson. That's basic of economy... the governement can pay all the wages because they know that on long term things will settle down and that productivity is going to rise. I compare this to welfare. If you just leave people going down to zero, they won't really be able to get back on track and be productive. But if as a society, we help the people in need then they can become productive again.

For example a mom who's got a 5 years old kid. If you let her starve with no income, then her kid is going to have big problem, get bad grade in school, etc. But if you give her some income, offer health service, etc then she's going to be able to take care of the kid. The child gona grow up and become a productive member of society, pay taxes, etc.

Same goes for the crime rate. When you travel to Africa you see that people don't have much choice other than to keep their car inside a garage and have big fence around their house. If not, they get attacked. And they can't let their kids walk to school. And same goes for business. But instead if you give a minimum income to the people in need then they don't have to steal to feed their kids and all this shit. And in the end, the little amount it cost to society with welfare is far less than what would be costing as a whole as lost productivity caused by criminality.

Same goes for what we are doing now by paying wages. Don't forget that governement don't have a bank account like yours. On the end, it's related to the value of the british pound that it will impact.

This is very true and I didn't think about it like that. That is the bigger picture, it takes a special kind of person to see things like this.

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables There's some in-browser IDE like Codiad or similar... there's even one by Amazon called ACE (Amazon Code Editor) but they ain't part of pH7CMS...

Really? What happens when the browser crashes? Loose everything?

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables Most people who are in the middle class work hard and didn't have time to learn the basic of economy. So they think that it's their salaries that pay for other people welfare but in fact it takes about 10 years of working and paying income tax to cover your birth and the school you did until your 20s....

polynamaude commented 4 years ago


@Undefined-Variables There's some in-browser IDE like Codiad or similar... there's even one by Amazon called ACE (Amazon Code Editor) but they ain't part of pH7CMS...

Really? What happens when the browser crashes? Loose everything?

Think somewhat a little more... Do you loose everything when your computer crash ? Why would it be different for a in-browser editor ? If you're stupid enough not to save then you loose other way you'll get it back !

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables What other dating site builder have you tried out?

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago


@Undefined-Variables There's some in-browser IDE like Codiad or similar... there's even one by Amazon called ACE (Amazon Code Editor) but they ain't part of pH7CMS...

Really? What happens when the browser crashes? Loose everything?

Think somewhat a little more... Do you loose everything when your computer crash ? Why would it be different for a in-browser editor ? If you're stupid enough not to save then you loose other way you'll get it back !

This was a joke :)

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables What other dating site builder have you tried out?

Dolphin, Jcow and one years ago which I cant remember the name of now, I don't only have interests in dating software and have worked with a lot of eCommerce cms packages, forum software and video software too.

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

Didn't think much of Dolphin. Seems early in development sages.

MKDan commented 4 years ago

I guess I can find the source file in PHPMyAdmin and just edit the text. Not sure, how to change the URL though. I will give a try and tell you.

So you edit source file in phpMyAdmin...

No, I don't. Its a typo.

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

@MKDan Download Komodo IDE, PhpStorm or Virtual Studio Code...

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables No Dolphin is a very mature product (more than this one) but some module are only available after paying a service fee. It now has become Una

I remember to have seen jCow somewhere...

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@MKDan Eclipse is one of the best but the learning curve can be impressive. But it has a very nice auto-complete and so does VSCode. For Komodo, it's closer to a editor and somewhat prefered by some user. But it's not as productive for project, for example doing direct code validation other than syntax coloring.

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

Oh okay maybe that is why it gives off the impression of not being quite complete!

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

@MKDan Eclipse is one of the best but the learning curve can be impressive. But it has a very nice auto-complete and so does VSCode. For Komodo, it's closer to a editor and somewhat prefered by some user. But it's not as productive for project, for example doing direct code validation other than syntax coloring.

I do 95% of code validation in my head as I write the code.

Rarely get a syntax error!

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables I doubt that you have in your head all the reference to all the library... That you know all the reference to the phpDoc and such....

That's what's called validation... not syntax checking.

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

No but I know what I need to know and if I get stuck I check the manual. I only have to check the manual once on any given thing and I remember it. I have a very good memory.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables Why do you think there's some type hinting in the source code...

For example...

That's what's called validation when you IDE checks those...

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

I don't use the hints, I have removed all comments.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables I'm not talking about the syntax of the language... that part, we mostly all have it...that's in the manual. I'm talking about parameters for the functions, classes, return value...

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

I have a great memory :/

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables That's pretty stupid...(to remove the comments)... Is like the person who thinks that comments make your code slower... Because that's what make a one-man think of his belly button. How do other people know your code... When you write something it's not only for you, it's mostly for other to be able to update in the long term.

And that's also why there's way of doing things that you learn in class...

Stop saying that you have good memory, I read it once... it's like you are trying to convince yourself somewhere...

Anyway, you'll need to use phpDoc the day you'll want to publish code in projects... Be it Doxygen for C/C++, javadoc for Java, etc...

The way you say it is like if everyone else's dumb... You think we developed those system because we don't have good memory...

You may think you have good memory, but I can easily recount time and time where you said you forgot something in our discussion.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables First thing you learn in Algorithm class is that neat code is commented code...

If you want a nice reason why we put comment in code... you can read this...

People died because of missing comments (yeah, dead people, like in not living anymore, like gone to heaven or hell)...

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

No that is not what I mean, I have always been able to read something once and recall it. I am not saying im better than anyone else cos there are things I am not good at but being able to remember things is something I am. I have not gotten into deep with java yet I've only just done the hello world make your first app with java! I have a long road ahead with java.

MKDan commented 4 years ago

I'm just trying this at the moment -

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables I'm not talking about Java or any particular language. I'm talking about commenting your code.

You have the ability to easily understand this code even if you didn't write it. Why ? Because of comments. So same apply to the code you write...

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables First thing you learn in Algorithm class is that neat code is commented code...

If you want a nice reason why we put comment in code... you can read this...

People died because of missing comments (yeah, dead people, like in not living anymore, like gone to heaven or hell)...

W"hen you have life's in your hands yes I see that but I'm talking about software that only I read and edit if someone else was involved I would leave comments for them for sure

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

Maybe you are right, you have been taught the correct way, I figured most things out by myself.

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables It's not a thing about being taught right, it's about taking the time to learn things...

Like you said, oh my god, gonna waste a couple of weeks learning a real IDE so I stay with my text editor. Never had in mind that on the long term the week it take to learn to use a real IDE will pay back in productivity ?

Same goes for all things to learn... There's plenty of books teaching how to do algorithm programming and you can even learn it on Udemy.... they currently have a promo with 85% off... Paying a 20$ for a 200$ class or so...

polynamaude commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables It's not a thing of having life in your hands. It's something about being able to read it back. Like everyone you forget stuff and one day you'll ask yourself how you did some of the code. For now, it's easy... that all quite simple coding...But when you'll have 20 level of looping and exception calling of different type, etc then you'll understand why I'm saying this...

Or simply in some years when you'll find a bug that goes back to what you wrote now... And you haven't played with this for a while... You'll regret... Or simply if you need to ask someone for help ;-)

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

@polynamaude I agree completely but you can only work with what you have available to you. I would give my left leg to be able to study this properly. I have looked in to it and university fees are £60,000 that is not within my reach!

I have total respect for those who have done this the right way... Honestly

Undefined-Variables commented 4 years ago

@Undefined-Variables It's not a thing of having life in your hands. It's something about being able to read it back. Like everyone you forget stuff and one day you'll ask yourself how you did some of the code. For now, it's easy... that all quite simple coding...But when you'll have 20 level of looping and exception calling of different type, etc then you'll understand why I'm saying this...

Or simply in some years when you'll find a bug that goes back to what you wrote now... And you haven't played with this for a while... You'll regret... Or simply if you need to ask someone for help ;-)

Point taken.