pJeyakumar / noticed_upgrade_project

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The purpose of this project is to determine the necessary changes for updating our flight simulator logbook app's Noticed gem from 1.6.0 to 2.3.2!

It aims to provide a clear understanding of possible obstacles and decisions required, ensuring we can effectively plan the rollout for this upgrade in larger projects.

What is our Flight Simulator Logbook App?

Pilots would use our flight simulator logbook app after completing their flights (for training or task-related purpose) to log flight details, such as Departure/Arrival locations, Second in Command pilots, Time Flown, Aircraft, and Types of Landings.

Our flight simulator logbook app tracks all created aircraft, registered users, and displays logbooks where you are the Pilot in Command.

The app also includes notifications which alert you when new aircraft are added, new users sign up, or new logbook entries are created.


  1. In your terminal clone this repository onto your local setup by running git clone https://github.com/pJeyakumar/noticed_upgrade_project.git
  2. Run code . (this will run VSCode and open up repository)
  3. Make sure you have the Dev Containers extension installed!
  4. Press Cmd + Shift + P => Type Dev Containers: Rebuild Container and select the first option.
  5. Run bundle install
  6. Run rails db:create db:migrate

    Note: You will need to include a password for your database instance, simply add password: postgres under line 4 of config/database.yml

Optional: To have some data to work with, run rails db:seed

  1. Run bin/rails s -b and go to the URL specified in your terminal

Game Plan Overview:

  1. Upgrade Noticed gem to 2.3.2.
  2. Create the new noticed tables (empty).
  3. Make the necessary code changes so that the "new notifications" work.
    • any new notifications that users create will be created in the "new notifications" table
  4. Run the job to populate the "new notifications" table using the "old notifications" table (i.e.
    • the job will convert the old notifications in descending order by date.
  5. Remove the job.
  6. Drop the old notifications table.

Noticed 2.3.2 Upgrade Guide:

  1. Create the following migration files via rails g migration CreateNoticedTables and rails g migration AddNotificationsCountToNoticedEvent and copy the contents below into those corresponding files.

    class CreateNoticedTables < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.1]
    def change
    primary_key_type, foreign_key_type = primary_and_foreign_key_types
    create_table :noticed_events, id: primary_key_type do |t|
      t.string :type
      t.belongs_to :record, polymorphic: true, type: foreign_key_type
      if t.respond_to?(:jsonb)
        t.jsonb :params
        t.json :params
    create_table :noticed_notifications, id: primary_key_type do |t|
      t.string :type
      t.belongs_to :event, null: false, type: foreign_key_type
      t.belongs_to :recipient, polymorphic: true, null: false, type: foreign_key_type
      t.datetime :read_at
      t.datetime :seen_at
    def primary_and_foreign_key_types
    config = Rails.configuration.generators
    setting = config.options[config.orm][:primary_key_type]
    primary_key_type = setting || :primary_key
    foreign_key_type = setting || :bigint
    [primary_key_type, foreign_key_type]
class AddNotificationsCountToNoticedEvent < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.1]
  def change
    add_column :noticed_events, :notifications_count, :integer
  1. Run rails db:migrate to add the above tables to the database.
  2. Update the noticed gem in the Gemfile to gem "noticed", "~> 2.3", ">= 2.3.2" and run bundle install
  3. Make the following changes to the codebase:
    • Delete the Notification model in app/models/notification.rb.
    • Noticed v2 adds models managed by the gem.
    • Rename the app/notifications folder to app/notifiers
    • Rename all notification classes to be notifier by running the following code in rails console
      require 'fileutils'

dir = 'app/notifiers'

Dir.glob("#{dir}/*_notification.rb").each do |file| new_file = file.gsub('notification', 'notifier') FileUtils.mv(file, new_file) puts "Renamed: #{file} to #{new_file}" end

- Rename the `spec/notifications` folder to `spec/notifiers`
- Rename all `notification` classes to be `notifier` by running the following code in `rails console`
require 'fileutils'

dir = 'spec/notifiers'

Dir.glob("#{dir}/*_notification_spec.rb").each do |file|
new_file = file.gsub('notification', 'notifier')
  FileUtils.mv(file, new_file)
  puts "Renamed: #{file} to #{new_file}"
  1. To migrate the data into new tables:

    • Create a job to loop through all existing notifications and create a new record for each one.
    • We can implement an ActiveJob (in app/jobs/migrate_notifications_job.rb) like this one:
      class MigrateNotificationsJob < ApplicationJob
      queue_as :default


    BATCH_SIZE = 10 LIMIT = 100

    Define the Notification model to access the old table

    class Notification < ApplicationRecord self.inheritance_column = nil end

    def perform(*args)
    total_processed = 0

    last_processed_at = get_last_processed_at

    Process notifications in batches

    Notifications are ordered by created_at date (newest first)

    We then scope them to only included notifications OLDER than our last_processed_at notification

    Then we run them in batches, in order of PRIMARY KEY descending (should be the same as created_at desc), find_in_batches MUST be ordered by PRIMARY KEY (we can choose either ascending or descending order).

    Notification.order(created_at: :desc).where("created_at < ?", last_processed_at).limit(LIMIT).find_in_batches(order: :desc, batch_size: BATCH_SIZE) do |batch| batch.each do |notification| return if total_processed >= LIMIT migrate_notification(notification) total_processed += 1
    end end


    def get_last_processed_at last_event = Noticed::Event.order(created_at: :desc).last last_event ? last_event.created_at : DateTime.now end

    def migrate_notification(notification)

    Ensure the record has not already been migrated, Not sure about this query working in "Notice::Event", but something like this.

    return if Noticed::Event.where(created_at: notification.created_at, params: Noticed::Coder.load(notification.params).with_indifferent_access).exists?

    attributes = notification.attributes.slice("type", "created_at", "updated_at").with_indifferent_access attributes[:type] = attributes[:type].sub("Notification", "Notifier") attributes[:params] = Noticed::Coder.load(notification.params) attributes[:params] = {} if attributes[:params].try(:has_key?, "noticed_error") # Skip invalid records

    attributes[:notifications_attributes] = [{ type: "#{attributes[:type]}::Notification", recipient_type: notification.recipient_type, recipient_id: notification.recipient_id, read_at: notification.read_at, seen_at: notification.read_at, created_at: notification.created_at, updated_at: notification.updated_at }]

    Noticed::Event.create!(attributes) end end

    - After verifying that each "old notification" has a corresponding "new notification" and Noticed is working without error, **Drop** the "old notification" table