pa-pa / AskSinPP

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C++ implementation of the AskSin protocol

Required additional Arduino libraries:

Optional required Sensor Libraries

Enable AES Support

To enable the AES signature support USE_AES needs to be defined. In addition the default key and the default key index has to provided with HM_DEF_KEY and HM_DEF_KEY_INDEX.

#define USE_AES
#define HM_DEF_KEY 0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x08,0x09,0x0a,0x0b,0x0c,0x0d,0x0e,0x0f,0x10
#define HM_DEF_KEY_INDEX 0

In FHEM you can get the key from the hmKey, hmKey2, hmKey3 attributes of the VCCU. The index is the key number multiplied by 2.

Extra Defines for Configuration

All defines has to set in the sketch before any header file is included.

Defines to reduce code size

The following defines can be used to reduce the size of the code. All defines has to set in the sketch before any header file is included.

Alternative Device RESET Method

Normally, a device can be reset to its default settings by pressing and holding down the config button for at least 6 seconds. Alternatively, another reset method can be used with ResetOnBoot.h without pressing the config button (i.e. for devices in hard to reach places):