paazmaya / matsumura-rohai

Translate PO files with the help of Microsoft Translate API
MIT License
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Matsumura Rohai

Translate strings found in PO files

wercker status

Background for the project name

The name for this project is honouring one great bushi, Matsumura Sokon, who lived in Okinawa, Japan, and a Karate Kata named after him.

Matsumura Sokon lived around ~1800 and was one very important contributor to the local martial art, which we today know as Karate and Ryukyu Kobujutsu. The kata named after him is called Matsumura Rohai, also known as Koshiki Rohai or Matsumura no Rohai, depending on who is writing it.

Getting started

The project provides a Node.js based server and a front-end for modifying translations. The back-end makes requests to the Microsoft Translate API and caches the received translations to a SQLite database.


While in Windows, different versions of Visual Studio might be problematic, thus failing iconv installation. With different options to --msvs_version, one might succeed. Such options are auto, 2010, 2012 and so forth.

npm install --msvs_version=2012

Please note that the minimum supported version of Node.js is 14.15.0, which is the active Long Term Support (LTS) version.


node index.js

Third party tools

Project structure

Initial plan sketch

Visualisation of the project dependencies is available at


"A Beginner's Guide to Open Source: The Best Advice for Making your First Contribution".

Also there is a blog post about "45 Github Issues Dos and Don’ts".

Linting is done with ESLint and can be executed with npm run lint. There should be no errors appearing after any JavaScript file changes.


Copyright (c) Juga Paazmaya

Licensed under the MIT license.