pablobuitron / masterthesis

This repository contains the code and documentation for my master's project in physics.
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Master's Thesis Repository

Welcome to my master's thesis repository! This repository serves as a central hub for tracking my progress and sharing all the relevant materials related to my thesis. Here, you will find regular updates, code implementations, summaries, and documentation related to my research.


All the code I write for my thesis will be uploaded to the respective folders within this repository. I believe in maintaining a transparent and organized approach to my research, and sharing the code helps foster collaboration and enables others to replicate or build upon my work.


To provide comprehensive information about my investigation, I have created a Wiki within this repository. The Wiki serves as a valuable resource, containing summaries, documentation, and additional details related to my research findings. Make sure to check out the Wiki for a deeper understanding of the project.


The Projects section of this repository showcases the workflows created to address any issues that arise during the course of this project. By documenting and tracking these workflows, I ensure that any challenges encountered are resolved efficiently, contributing to the overall progress of the thesis.

Feel free to explore the various sections of this repository and stay updated with my ongoing work. If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out at Thank you for your interest in my master's thesis!