Checks an url raise an alert if some problem is found. Uses curl with all its power, so you can extend your check with all curl options.
VERSION <burp_reports/VERSION>
sudo pip3 install curlnagios --upgrade
Also is possible to use::
sudo python3 -m pip install curlnagios --upgrade
On windows with python3.5::
pip install curlnagios --upgrade
For proxies add::
Use the command line::
> curlnagios --help
usage: curlnagios [-h] [-u [URL]] [-e [EXTRA_ARGS]]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u [URL], --url [URL]
url to check
-e [EXTRA_ARGS], --extra_args [EXTRA_ARGS]
extra args to add to curl, see `curl manpage <>`_.
Example use with proxy::
> curlnagios --url='http://xx/dd' --extra_args='--proxy http://user:pass@host:8080'
Example using proxy, and authentication with ntlm for the website:
> curlnagios --url='http://xx/dd' --extra_args='--proxy http://user:pass@host:8080 --user user:pass --ntlm'
All the extra_args are options directly comming from curl manpage, you can use almost any with exception of -s, -o, -w as these are implicit added on the curl command line argument to format the output for this plugin.
When creating authentication with AzureAD oauth2, you need to create a client Application and Azure AD only applications:
Then use:
> curlnagios --url 'https://{yoururltotest}/api/path' --client_id 'unique-client-id' --scope 'https://{tenant}/unique-id-here-for-the-app/.default' --client_secret 'theclientoken' --grant_type 'client_credentials' --auth_url '{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token' --oauth2
Change {tenant} with your identifier and the unique id for client and for application. Add your client secret
This comes from documentation using token:
Example command::
define command{
command_name check_http_curl
command_line /usr/local/bin/curlnagios --url='$ARG1$' --extra_args='$ARG2$'
define command{
command_name check_http_curl_azuread
command_line /usr/local/bin/curlnagios --url='$ARG1$' --client_id '$ARG2$' --scope '$ARG3$' --client_secret '$ARG4$' --auth_url '$ARG5$/oauth2/v2.0/token' --oauth2 --extra_args='$ARG6$'
Example service::
define service {
host_name SERVERX
service_description service_name
check_command check_http_curl!http://url/path!--proxy http://user:name@host:8080 --user user:name --ntlm
use generic-service
notes some useful notes
Example service bypassing reverse proxy and dns and proxy server::
define service {
host_name SERVERY
service_description fqdn.backend1
check_command check_http_curl!!--noproxy "" -H "Host:"
use generic-service
notes Monitoring backend1 de of site
## In this way you can connect to some backend and pass with -H the host header to get and also ensure no proxy used to connect to url.
Example using azuread oauth2::
define service {
host_name SERVERY
service_description fqdn.backend1
check_command check_http_curl_azuread!!client-unique-id!https://{tenant}/unique-id-here-for-the-app/.default!client-secret-unique!tenant!some extra args if desired
use generic-service
notes Monitoring backend1 de of site
You can use ansible role that already has the installation and command: