pablojorge / brainfuck

Collection of BF interpreters/translators in C/C++/ASM/JS/Python/Rust + others
MIT License
246 stars 35 forks source link
assembler brainfuck brainfuck-interpreter brainfuck-language c esoteric-language golang haskell javascript lua python rust wasm


A collection of brainfuck interpreters/translators in C/C++/asm/Javascript/Python/Rust + others. The JS version includes an interactive "IDE" that lets you choose between a pure JS or a Wasm engine. There are two JIT implementations: in C++ and Rust.



This project is just really a playground to try different languages. A nice excuse to do something a bit more complex than a "hello world". New BF programs or interpreters in other languages are absolutely welcome!


The programs directory contains a gallery of BF programs, most of them taken from other sites dedicated to BF (check See Also). Notable mentions:



Simple interpreter written in x86_64 asm, using Mac OS syscall conventions.

Source: asm/brainfuck.s

$ cd asm
$ make
as -arch x86_64 brainfuck.s -o brainfuck.o
ld -e _main -arch x86_64 -lc brainfuck.o -o brainfuck 
ld: warning: -macosx_version_min not specified, assuming 10.6
rm brainfuck.o
$ ./brainfuck ../programs/
Primes up to: 50
2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47  


Simple implementation, with precalculated jumps.

Source: c/brainfuck.c

$ cd c
$ make brainfuck
cc brainfuck.c -o brainfuck
$ ./brainfuck ../programs/
Hello World!


There are currently two interpreters in different styles, and a JIT compiler (see

All tested with Clang 11.0.3 and GCC 10.1.0.

See more in cpp.

Quick example:

$ cd cpp
$ make brainfuck-jit
c++ -std=c++14 -g -O3 brainfuck-jit.cpp -o brainfuck-jit
$ ./brainfuck-jit ../programs/
Hello World!


Source: go/brainfuck.go

Running the number warper with the go interpreter:

$ cd go
$ GOPATH=$PWD go run brainfuck.go ../programs/
/\ \/

Thanks Philip K. for the contribution!


Interpreter source: haskell/brainfuck.hs

Translator to C: haskell/bf2c.hs

To run the interpreter:

$ cd haskell
$ runhaskell brainfuck.hs ../programs/
Hello World!

To translate any BF program to C:

$ cd haskell
$ make ../programs/sierpinski.c
runhaskell bf2c.hs < ../programs/ | indent > sierpinski.c
$ make sierpinski
cc sierpinski.c -o sierpinski
$ ./sierpinski


Source: javascript/brainfuck.js

Simple debugger-like UI, using Bootstrap and jQuery (yes, I'm old school) with support for:

JS UI Screenshot

The JS version can run in stand-alone mode, but to enable the WASM engine a minimal HTTP server is needed. In the ./javascript directory, run:

$ cd javascript
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ...

Then connect to http://localhost:8000

Alternatively, use the online version available at


Interpreter source: lua/brainfuck.lua

Translator source: lua/bf2lua.lua

The interpreter is compatible with Lua 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3, and runs with LuaJIT. To run it:

$ cd lua
$ lua brainfuck.lua ../programs/
Hello World!

Running the same program, but the version translated to Lua:

$ cd lua
$ lua bf2lua.lua ../programs/ | lua -
Hello World!

Thanks François Perrad for the contribution!


Original, unoptimized, verbose interpreter: python/

Optimized (no method lookups, pre-computed jumps over minified source): python/

Slightly modified version of the optimized interpreter so it can be translated to C, using RPython: python/

JIT-enabled version: python/

Using the plain python interpreter to run a "helloworld" program:

$ cd python
$ cat << EOF | python 
> ++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>.
Hello World!

To use the RPython version:

$ cd <pypy-source>
$ python rpython/translator/goal/ ~/Projects/github/brainfuck/python/
$ time ./brainfuck-rpython-c ~/Projects/github/brainfuck/programs/
real  0m29.978s
user  0m29.796s
sys  0m0.110s

To use the JIT-enabled version: (thanks Gsam for the suggestion)

$ python rpython/translator/goal/ --opt=jit ~/Projects/github/brainfuck/python/
$ time ./brainfuck-rpython-jit-c ~/Projects/github/brainfuck/programs/
real  0m4.943s
user  0m4.867s
sys  0m0.043s


Interpreter source: rust/src/ Includes improved optimizations (compressing identical contiguous operations)

Translator source: rust/src/bin/ Supports translating to Rust and C.

JIT version: rust/src/bin/ See

To run the interpreter:

$ cd rust
$ cargo run ../programs/
    Finished dev [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.01s
     Running `target/debug/main ../programs/`
Primes up to: 50
2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47

To translate to Rust:

$ ./ ../programs/ rs
    Finished dev [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.02s
     Running `target/debug/translate rs`
   Compiling brainfuck v0.1.0 (/Users/pablo/Projects/github/pablojorge/brainfuck/rust)
    Finished dev [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.38s

real    0m0.419s
user    0m0.299s
sys 0m0.134s
    Finished dev [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.01s
     Running `target/debug/mandelbrot`

real    0m2.049s
user    0m1.976s
sys 0m0.047s

And to C:

$ ./ ../programs/ c
    Finished dev [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.02s
     Running `target/debug/translate c`
cc -O1 mandelbrot.c -o mandelbrot

real    0m1.603s
user    0m1.448s
sys 0m0.114s

real    0m1.006s
user    0m0.985s
sys 0m0.009s


Rust interpreter, prepared to be compiled to WASM: wasm/src/

To generate the WASM binary and JS glue:

$ cd rust
$ wasm-pack build --target web

That will generate the target libs in ./pkg. To try in the browser:

$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer

And then connect to http://localhost:8000. Modify the program and input vars in index.html to try other programs.


Mandelbrot Primes up to 100
Non-optimized python version (CPython) 991m45.631s 19m34.163s
Non-optimized python version (PyPy) 24m59.928s 0m28.210s
Simplified python version (CPython) 67m39.287s 1m16.431s
Simplified python version (PyPy) 1m35.345s 0m2.144s
Improved python version (RPython) 0m29.796s 0m0.486s
JIT-enabled version (RPython-JIT) 0m4.867s 0m0.107s
Assembler 1m7.288s 0m1.501s
C Interpreter (-O0) 2m7.036s 0m2.012s
C Interpreter (-O1) 1m7.504s 0m1.005s
Translated to C (-O0) 0m19.674s 0m0.243s
Translated to C (-O1) 0m1.360s 0m0.012s


See Also