pablomaurer / RxPouch

supercharged PouchDB with RxJS
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pouchdb and webpack #14

Open pablomaurer opened 6 years ago

pablomaurer commented 6 years ago

you need do import like pouchdb/dist/pouchdb else webpack goes for the files in lib, where it will somewhere include stuff not meant for the browser?

also have to switch back to custom bundling.. But then user using webpack will still have those pouchdb issues.

So best try to fix it in pouchdb.

pablomaurer commented 6 years ago

Ok switched back to custom bundling.. and document what I know so far.


importing (also for all plugins):

Related Issues:

For now replace in index-es.js with this:

var PouchDB = require('pouchdb-core').default;
var PouchHttp = require('pouchdb-adapter-http').default;
var PouchMapReduce = require('pouchdb-mapreduce').default;
var PouchReplication = require('pouchdb-replication').default;