pablomaurer / RxPouch

supercharged PouchDB with RxJS
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couchdb database db offline-first pouchdb rxdb rxjs

Under heavy development

You can use it, but stuff might still changes quickly, until we are at version 1.0.0


Read the official docs or look in the example directory.


RxPouch is RxJS powered PouchDB, with some additional features, but still tried to provide all the same base functionallities. You can almost everywhere consult the PouchDB Docs for further information.


npm install rx-pouch --save
npm install rxjs --save

Difference to RxDB

Well a lot of credits goes to RxDB, since we borrowed a lot from them. In RxDB every collection creates a new database, which is in most use-cases perfectly fine. For my use-case it wasn't.

Example usage

let RxPouch = require("rx-pouch");
let pouchLevelDB = require("pouchdb-adapter-leveldb");

process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, promise) => {
    console.log('Unhandled Rejection at:', reason.stack || reason)

// add db adapter for nodejs

// create database
let db = new RxPouch('myDB');

// start listening for changes, enables all observers
let changes = db.changes();
changes.change$.subscribe(next => {
    console.log('change', next);

// create collection
let pokemons = db.collection('pokemon');

// listen for changes
pokemons.insert$.subscribe(next => {
    console.log('may display an notification that there is a new pokemon');

pokemons.remove$.subscribe(next => {
    console.log('may navigate away, from current pokemon page');
});$.subscribe(next => {
    console.log('may display an up to date list of all stored pokemons');

// create a doc
let pika = {
    _id: 'pikachu', // will result in pokemon-pikachu
    type: 'pokemon', // not needed, will be set anyway
    name: 'Pikachu',
    power: '120',
    element: 'power'

// insert data