paccao / discgolf-stats

An app to save your scores on courses and compare the results to other players
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discgolf opensource

Discgolf stats


Download the dependencies specified in .tool-versions


Use the asdf package manager and add the plugins specified in the tool-versions file:

asdf plugin add nodejs
asdf plugin-add pnpm

Install them by running:

asdf install

You can find all asdf plugins here

🧞 Commands

pnpm install                                    # Installs dependencies
pnpm install --filter <backend|frontend>        # Install specific deps
pnpm dev                                        # Starts local dev server at localhost:4321
pnpm build                                      # Build your production site to ./dist/
pnpm preview                                    # Preview your build locally, before deploying
pnpm astro                                      # Run CLI commands like astro add, astro check
pnpm prisma migrate dev --name <e.g. semver>    # Create a db migration
pnpm prisma generate                            # Generate Prisma client, types and zod schema based on latest definitions in `schema.prisma`
pnpm prisma db seed                             # Seed the database with data from prisma/seed.ts
pnpm prisma studio                              # Browse your local prisma database
pnpm prisma db push                             # Push writes to your database (changes the structure) but not to the migration

Data model


Session and auth flow
