pacificclimate / weather-anomaly-data-service

Data service backend for Weather Anomaly tool.
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Weather Anomaly Data (Micro)Service (WADS)

Data service backend for Weather Anomaly tool.


This service has been rolled into the Station Data Portal Backend. This project is no longer maintained and will be deleted soon.


This microservice provides data useful for inspecting weather anomalies. Its primary client is the Weather Anomaly Tool.

Specifically, it provides:

  • Baseline data: Multi-year averages of:
    • Monthly average of daily maximum temperature (tmax)
    • Monthly average of daily minimum temperature (tmin)
    • Monthly total precipitation (precip)
  • Weather data: For a given year and month:
    • Monthly average of daily maximum temperature (tmax)
    • Monthly average of daily minimum temperature (tmin)
    • Monthly total precipitation (precip)

Each endpoint returns a list containing one data object per station, for all stations in the database. No filtering on station (by location or any other crieria) is available at this time.

Each data object contains station information (including network, station native id, and location) and the data at that station as appropriate to the endpoint (e.g., baseline monthly average of daily maxmimum temperature for a specified month).


We follow RESTful conventions in this microservice. Specifically:

  • Each dataset is regarded as a resource. (In this case, the resources are read-only, hence only the GET verb is allowed on them.)
  • Resources are named (URI) hierarchically, where real hierarchy exists.
  • Where there is no hierarchy, but there are several components to a hierarchical level, those components stay in the path and are separated by appropriate punctuation such as semicolon or comma (we use semicolon).
    • In our case, this is the combination of variable and year/month specifiers.
    • This is not a universal convention; many APIs put such specifiers in query parameters.
    • See this stackoverflow discussion and this one
  • Resources are named such that optional specifiers and filtering, ordering, and other algorithmic specifiers (parameters) are in query parameters.
    • We have no such specifiers (yet: we may add filtering on station location, etc.)

Therefore we have the following resource URIs:

  • Baseline data: /baseline/<variable>;<month>
  • Weather data: /weather/<variable>;<year>-<month>


  • <variable> is 'tmax', 'tmin', or 'precip'
  • <year> is an integer between 1850 and 2100, specifying the year of interest
  • <month> is an integer between 1 and 12, specifying the month of interest

(Note: We could use Swagger ( for this sepcification!)



Endpoints return results as JSON (application/json).

Success is indicated by a 200 OK status.

Any invalid URI results in a 404 Not Found status. Specifically, invalid values for <variable>, <year>, or <month> result in a 404 Not Found.

/baseline/<variable>;<month> endpoints

Response data on success (200):

        "network_name": String,
        "station_native_id": String,
        "station_name": String,
        "lon": Number,
        "lat": Number,
        "elevation": Number,
        "datum": Number

"datum" is the value of the requested climate variable for the station.

For weather data, <requested info> is two dictionary items, one containing the value of the requested aggregate weather variable, and the other a number between 0 and 1 indicating the fraction of actual observations contributing to the aggregate value relative to the possible number of observations contributing:

/weather/<variable>;<year>-<month> endpoints

Response data on success (200):

        "network_name": String,
        "station_native_id": String,
        "station_name": String,
        "lon": Number,
        "lat": Number,
        "elevation": Number,
        "frequency": String,
        "network_variable_name": String,
        "statistic": Number,
        "data_coverage": Number

"statistic" is the value of the requested aggregate weather variable at the station

"data_coverage" is a fraction in range [0,1] of count of actual observations to possible observations in month for aggregate (depends on frequency of observation of specific variable)




It is best practice to install using a virtual environment. Current recommended practice for Python3.3+ to use the builtin venv module. (Alternatively, virtualenv can still be used but it has shortcomings corrected in venv.) See Creating Virtual Environments for an overview of these tools.

$ git clone
$ cd weather-anomaly-data-service
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv)$ pip install -U pip --user
(venv)$ pip install -i -e .
(venv)$ pip install -r test_requirements.txt


Database dsn can be configured with the PCDS_DSN environment variable. Defaults to postgresql://

(venv)$ PCDS_DSN=postgresql://dbuser:dbpass@dbhost/dbname scripts/ -p <port>


Within the virtual environment:

(Make sure you have installed the packages in test_requirements.txt as instructed above.)

py.test -v

Using Docker

Building images

To build production image:

docker build -t pcic/weather-anomaly-data-service . 

To build development/testing image:

docker build -t pcic/weather-anomaly-data-service-dev  -f .

To run tests (note: must use dev/test image):

docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/app --name wads-test pcic/weather-anomaly-data-service-dev bash -c "su -m user -c 'py.test -v tests'"


Change to trigger DockerHub automated build ...