packet-transactions / domino-compiler

The Domino compiler to run packet programs on pipelined switches
29 stars 7 forks source link
  1. Ensure you have python3 (> 3.5.1) git g++ (>4.9) build-essential autotools-dev libncurses5-dev autoconf libtool and zlib1g-dev (Use a package manager like macports or apt-get to get them.)
  2. Get clang + llvm from (OS X) (Ubuntu) Similar files exist for other distributions as well, though this has only been tested so far on Ubuntu and OS X.
  3. Install sketch from, add the sketch binary to the path.
  4. Install banzai from
  5. git clone
  6. ./
  7. ./configure CLANG_DEV_LIBS=<wherever you untarred clang+llvm in step 2> (make sure CLANG_DEV_LIBS is set to an absolute file system path)
  8. make
  9. make check
  10. sudo make install (if you want to install it system wide).