Joe Reid <>
An open source remake of the Rocket Arena mod for Quake 2
Rocket Arena 2 is a team-based mod for Quake 2. Games are arranged into rounds where each player spawns with all allowed items/weapons and they battle until everyone from one team is dead.
Yes, there is an existing RA2 mod that is available, but it dates back to the 20th century and the source code is not available (or at least I'm unable to locate it). There also don't seem to be any 64 bit binaries.
The original RA2 mod lacked many desireable features (such as chase cams) and this mod is aimed at fixing that. The primary score unit is damage dealt rather than frags. While The Fast and the Furious is right, "it doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile", tracking damage rather than frags gives the loser a little more credit.
See your current accuracy statistics
Enter admin mode, elevating your privileges
Join a specific arena. If the argument is missing a list of all arenas will be displayed
Show client commands list
Show highscores for your arena
Toggle player IDs
Join a team
Show arena settings
Show the GUI game menu
Alias for observer
Part your current team and enter spectator mode
Show the scores from the last match
List all players connected to the server
Toggles your ready status. Once all team players are ready the match will start.
Alias for matchinfo
Alias for accuracy
Alias for join
vote <proposal [args]>|yes|no>
Call a vote or cast your vote
Proposal | Arguments | Description |
kick | ID | Kick a player identified by id (use players command to get ID |
mute | ID | Mute a player "" |
map | mapname | Change map to mapname.bsp |
teams | <2-5> | The number of teams between 2 and 5 |
weapons | weapstring | What weapons to enable (see below) - can use "random" to randomize items/ammo |
damage | dmgstring | What damage does not hurt (see below) |
rounds | int | The number of rounds in a match |
health | int | The amount of health points given to players |
armor | int | The amount of body armor given to players |
reset | Reset all arena settings to default |
weapstring is a space-separated list of weapons (and ammo) to include or exclude:
Prepend any of the following with a + to include or a - to exclude. To specify ammo quantities, add :[integer] to the end of each weapon. |
Name | Weapon |
sg | shotgun | |
ssg | super shotgun | |
mg | machinegun | |
cg | chaingun | |
gl | grenade launcher | |
hb | hyperblaster | |
rl | rocket launcher | |
rg | railgun | |
bfg | bfg10k | |
all | all guns |
-all +rg:5 +cg:600 +gl:3
(only rail with 5 slugs, chaingun with 600 bullets and grenade launcher with 3 nades)+all -sg -hb
(everything minus shotgun and hyperblaster):inf
to specify infinite ammo for a particular gun.random
for the weapstring in voting to randomly assign guns/ammo for an arenadmgstring is a space-separated list of damage flags specifying what damage does not affects the player - prepended with a + to include or - to exclude |
Flag | Description |
self | You can't hurt your own health (splash damage) | |
aself | You can't hurt your armor | |
team | You can't hurt your team mates' health (splash and direct hit) | |
ateam | You can't damage your team mates' armor | |
falling | No falling damage | |
all | Nothing hurts except for enemy attacks |
(everything hurts)-all +self +team
(you can't damage your health or team health, armor is vulnerable though)Administrators are granted access to a number of privileged client commands.
Show administrator commands list.
admin [password]
Toggle administrator status.
Add IP address specified by ip-mask into the ban list. Optional
duration parameter specifies how long this address should stay in the
list. Default duration is 1 hour. Maximum duration is 12 hours. Default
units for specifying duration are minutes. Add ‘h’ or ‘H’ suffix to
specify hours. Add ‘d’ or ‘D’ suffix to specify days. Optional action
parameter specifies ban type. It can be ban (prevent player from
connecting) or mute (allow player to connect and enter the game, but
disallow chat during the match). Default action is ban.
Show the current ban list.
kick [player] Kick player from the server.
Kick player from the server and ban his IP address for 1 hour.
mute [player] Disallow player to talk during the match.
Globally disable chat during the match.
unban [ip-mask]
Remove IP address specified by ip-mask from the ban list. Permanent bans
added by server operator can't be removed.
unmute [player]
Allow player to talk during the match.
Globally enable chat during the match.
Each map can have it's own config file to override the default settings. These files need to be named [mapname].cfg and saved in the openra2/mapcfg folder. Each file can contain a block (in curly braces) for each arena in the map. For example:
arena 1
weapons +all -bfg
rounds 5
damage -all +self +team
health 115
armor 12
teams 2
This tells the server for arena 1 to allow all weapons but no bfg, to run 5 rounds per match, to do self damage and team damage, start each player with 115 health and 12 red armor. This also limits the arena to 2 teams.
Another example:
arena 7
teams 3
weapons -all +ssg:20 +cg:inf
timelimit 120
This sets arena 7 to have 3 teams with all players being given only a super shotgun with 20 shells, a chaingun with infinite bullets and sets the length for all rounds to 2 minutes. The default (set via CVAR) amount of health and armor are applied to each player.
Possible options:
arena [integer]
The arena number this config block applies to
teams [integer]
The initial number of teams
damage [dmgstring]
What damage can be done to you
weapons [weapstring]
What weapons and ammo are provided by default. weapstring is a space-separated list, each item prefixed with a + to include or a - to exclude. Ammo quantities can be suffixed with a colon. Options: all, bfg, hb, rg, rl, gl, cg, mg, ssg, sg.
-all +rl +rg:1
(Only rocket launcher and railgun (with a single slug))
+all -bfg
(all but the bfg)
-all +cg:inf
(only a chaingun with infinite bullets)
round [integer]
The default number of rounds per match
health [integer]
How much health each player in this arena gets
armor [integer]
How much bodyarmor each player in this arena gets
timelimit [integer]
Number of seconds the rounds should last
g_admin_password [string]
The password used with the admin
command to enable privileged commands
g_ammo_bullets [integer]
The default quantity of bullets players will be assigned if they have a Machinegun or Chaingun. Default: 100
g_ammo_cells [integer]
The default quantity of cells players will be assigned if they have a Hyperblaster or BFG. Default: 50
g_ammo_grenades [integer]
The default quantity of grenades players will be assigned. Default: 20
g_ammo_rockets [integer]
The default quantity of rockets players will be assigned. Default: 20
g_ammo_shells [integer]
The default quantity of shells players will be assigned. Default: 14
g_ammo_slugs [integer]
The default quantity of slugs players will be assigned. Default: 10
g_armor_start [integer]
The default quantity of bodyarmor players will start with. Default: 100
g_bugs [0/1/2]
Fix gameplay bugs. Default: 0
g_damage_flags [bitmask]
Bitmask for damage immunities, add them up. Default: 0 (everything hurts)
Value | Meaning | Description |
0 | Nothing | Everything hurts |
1 | Self health | Your explosions will NOT take your own health |
2 | Self armor | Your explosions will NOT take your own armor |
4 | Team | Your shots will NOT hurt your team mates health |
8 | Team Armor | Your shots will NOT hurt your team mates armor |
16 | Fall | Falling from high distances will NOT hurt |
31 | All | None of the above will hurt |
g_default_arena [0/1/2]
When a player connects to the server, they're immediately added to an arena, this setting controls which. Default: 1 | Value | Meaning | Description |
0 | First | Always join arena 1 | |
1 | Popular | Join which ever arena has the most players | |
2 | Random | Join a random arena |
g_demo [0/1]
Force players to record demos of their rounds/matches. Default 0 - don't force
g_drop_allowed [0/1]
Allow players to drop weapons/ammo. Default 1 - allowed
g_fast_weapon_change [0/1]
Allows switching weapons very quickly. Default 1 (enabled)
g_frag_drop [0/1]
Players toss their weapon when killed. Default 1 - enabled
g_health_start [integer]
The quantity of health each player will be assigned. Default: 100
g_idle_time [integer]
Number of seconds to consider a team player idle and remove them from the team. Default: 0 (disabled)
g_intermission_time [integer]
The length in seconds match intermission should last. Default: 10
g_round_countdown [integer]
The number of seconds for a round countdown. Default: 12
g_round_end_time [integer]
The number of seconds the round intermission screen will be up before starting the next round. Default: 5
g_round_limit [integer]
The default number of rounds per match. Default: 7
g_round_timelimit [integer]
The default number of seconds each round can last. Default: 180
g_screenshot [0/1]
Force all players to take a screenshot of the match intermission screen. Default 0 (no)
g_select_empty [0/1]
All clients to "use" a weapon without ammo for it. Default 0 (no)
g_skin_lock [0/1]
Lock team skins so they can't be changed. Default 0 (no, allow change)
g_team1_name [string]
The name of team1. Default Red
g_team1_skin [string]
The skin used for team1. Default female/r2red
g_team2_name [string]
The name of team2. Default Blue
g_team2_skin [string]
The skin used for team2. Default male/r2blue
g_team3_name [string]
The name of team3. Default Green
g_team3_skin [string]
The skin used for team3. Default female/r2dgre
g_team4_name [string]
The name of team4. Default Yellow
g_team4_skin [string]
The skin used for team4. Default male/r2yell
g_team5_name [string]
The name of team5. Default Aqua
g_team5_skin [string]
The skin used for team5. Default female/r2aqua
g_team_balance [0/1]
Require teams to be balanced with equal players. Default 0 (allow unbalanced)
g_team_count [2-5]
The default number of teams per arena. Default 2
g_team_reset [0/1]
Remove all players from teams at the end of the match. Default 0 (teams remain)
g_teamspec_name [string]
The name of the spectator "team". Default Spectators
g_teleporter_nofreeze [0/1]
Quake 2-style vs Quake 3-style teleporters. Default 0 (q2 style)
g_timein_time [integer]
Time in seconds for time-in countdown. Default 11
g_timeout_time [integer]
Time in seconds for time-outs. Default 180
g_vote_flags [bitmask]
The flags that enable certain voting features. Default: 11 (enabled, show, change). Add them up: | Value | Feature |
1 | Enable - globally enable voting | |
2 | Show - show the vote in the player hud | |
4 | Specs - allow spectators to vote | |
8 | Change - allow voters to change their already-cast vote |
g_vote_mask [bitmask]
The vote proposals allowed on this server. Default: 1023 (everything). Items with a scope of server affect everyone in all arenas at the same time. A scope of arena will only affect the particular arena the vote was in. Add the values up: |
Value | Scope | Proposal |
1 | Server | Kick - Removing players from server | |
2 | Server | Mute - Preventing players from talking | |
4 | Server | Map - Changing the map | |
8 | Arena | Teams - the number of teams | |
16 | Arena | Weapons - setting weapons | |
32 | Arena | Damage - setting damage | |
64 | Arena | Rounds - settings rounds per match | |
128 | Arena | Health - changing initial health | |
256 | Arena | Armor - changing initial armor | |
512 | Arena | Reset - defaulting all settings |
g_vote_threshold [integer]
Percentage of players required to pass a vote. Default 51 Admin decisions end votes immediately regardless of this threshold.
g_vote_time [integer]
Time in seconds for how long a vote will last. Default 30
g_weapon_flags [bitmask]
Bitmask for what weapons are allowed, add them up. Default 1023 (all except for BFG)
Index | Weapon |
2 | Shotgun |
4 | Super Shotgun |
8 | Machinegun |
16 | Chaingun |
32 | Grenades |
64 | Grenade Launcher |
128 | Hyperblaster |
256 | Rocket Launcher |
512 | Railgun |
1024 | BFG |
set hostname "My Awesome OpenRA2 Server"
set net_port "27910" // use "port" for r1q2, "net_port" for q2pro
set sv_public "1" // use "public" for r1q2, "sv_public" for q2pro
set rcon_password "<insert rcon pwd here>"
set g_admin_password "<insert admin pwd here>"
set g_team_count "2"
set g_health_start "110"
set g_armor_start "30"
For ra2map27, this file would be named mapcfg/ra2map27.cfg
arena 1
weapons +all -bfg
rounds 3
damage -all +self +team
health 115
armor 12
teams 2
timelimit 120
arena 2
weapons -all +ssg:12 +rl:10
rounds 5
damage 8
arena 3
weapons +all
rounds 5
arena 4
weapons -all +rg:inf
rounds 5
arena 5
teams 5