packit / dist-git-to-source-git

Converting dist-git to source-git
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deployment: Using tags to limit what is deployed does not work #140

Open csomh opened 3 years ago

csomh commented 3 years ago

In theory specifying some tags when running a deployment for the update service, should limit the tasks which are run. For example:

$ DEPLOYMENT=local TAGS="worker,pushgateway" make deploy

should only run the tasks from the deploy role which are tagged with always or worker or pushgateway.

But instead no task is run.

Adding the always tag to the role in deployment/deploy.yml will make all tasks to be executed (no filtering happens).

Tried the above with:

ansible-playbook 2.9.14
  config file = /home/hcsomort/.ansible.cfg
  configured module search path = ['/home/hcsomort/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ansible
  executable location = /usr/bin/ansible-playbook
  python version = 3.8.6 (default, Sep 25 2020, 00:00:00) [GCC 10.2.1 20200723 (Red Hat 10.2.1-1)]