packit / dist-git-to-source-git

Converting dist-git to source-git
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Converting dist-git to source-git

This should be similar to How to source-git?, except that it isn't :)

The main difference is that How to source-git? starts with the upstream history and applies the patches from dist-git.

In this case though, the starting point is dist-git itself, so a few things need to be done differently.

Note: things below were done on

Intermezzo: what should happen to all the patches?

Here is what we could do with all the patches:

For the future

Are there any expectations for how the history of a source-git repo will evolve?

What should happen when sources in dist-git are updated? Currently we will recreate the source-git branch.

What should happen when the spec file or the patches in dist-git are updated?


You should always run this tool in the provided container (CentOS 8) to get the correct environment - RPM macros. See down below how to do it.

dist2src get-archive calls or the script specified in DIST2SRC_GET_SOURCES, so you either need to get and place this script in a directory in your PATH or use the environment variable to specify the tools to download the sources from the lookaside cache of the dist-git of your choice.

The Process

When creating a source-git commit from dist-git, the process will be the following:

  1. Take the content of the lookaside cache from a dist-git commit.

  2. Run rpmbuild -bp to unpack the archive and apply patches.

  3. Copy spec file, other sources and rebase patches on top.

Simply put:

$ cd
$ dist2src convert rpms/rpm:c8s src/rpm:c8s

Using rpmbuild -bp to generate source-git repositories

The core way of the conversion process is running rpmbuild -bp to execute the %prep stage from the spec file which results in a directory containing the unpacked sources (under <dist-git>/BUILD/*).

With the following RPM-macro tweaks this directory can be turned into a Git repository from where the script can pull the history resulting from the conversion:

Converting in a CentOS environment

In order to correctly evaluate the macros up to the %prep section, the right target environment has to be used. This is achieved by running the conversion script in a container, built to match the target environment. By default this is CentOS 8.

To build the image, run:

$ podman build \
    [--build-arg base_image=centos:8] \
    [--build-arg package_manager="yum -y"]  \
    -t dist2src .

The build arguments are optional, the defaults being centos:8 and yum -y.

To run the conversion:

podman run --rm -v $PWD:/workdir:z \
    dist2src dist2src convert rpms/<package>:<branch> source-git/<package>:<branch>

Where the current working directory has the package cloned in an rpms sub-directory and the resulting source-git repo is going to be stored in source-git.


In the tests test suite, you can find functional tests which convert real dist-git packages.

They can be run in a container (make build-test-image and make check-in-container) or on localhost (make check).

It's also possible to invoke a single case (package):

$ TEST_TARGET="tests/[rpm-c8s]" make check-in-container
/usr/bin/podman run \
    -ti --rm \
    -v /??...??/dist-git-to-source-git/dist2src:/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dist2src:Z \
    -v /??...??/dist-git-to-source-git/packitpatch:/usr/bin/packitpatch:Z \
    -v /??...??/dist-git-to-source-git/macros.packit:/usr/lib/rpm/macros.d/macros.packit:Z \
    -v /??...??/dist-git-to-source-git/tests:/tests:Z \
    --entrypoint= \
    -u 1000 \
    dist2src pytest --color=yes --showlocals -vv /tests/[rpm-c8s]
============================ test session starts =============================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-6.0.1, py-1.9.0, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /usr/bin/python3.6
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /tests
collected 1 item

../tests/[rpm-c8s] PASSED             [100%]

======================= 1 passed in 15.02s =======================