pacman82 / extract-my-file

A website using wasm to extract your file on your local machine
MIT License
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Extract my file

A website using wasm to extract your file on your local machine. If you are not interested in developing this site, but want to pack / unpack your files, you visit the site here.

How to install

npm install

How to run in debug mode

# Builds the project and opens it in a new browser tab. Auto-reloads when the project changes.
npm start

How to build in release mode

# Builds the project and places it into the `dist` folder.
npm run build

How to run unit tests

# Runs tests in Firefox
npm test -- --firefox

# Runs tests in Chrome
npm test -- --chrome

# Runs tests in Safari
npm test -- --safari

Meaning of each file


The /dist/ folder on the master branch is published on github pages. As described here.

npm run build
git subtree push --prefix dist origin gh-pages

See also: