A slack event bot built with serverless/typescript/webpack using AWS Lambda & API Gateway, that will recieve slack events and respond to them in various ways
yarn install
to install dependenciesBasic Information
page and get the Verification Token setting this as SLACK_SIGNING_TOKEN
in your .env
fileSLACK_SIGNING_TOKEN=123 sls deploy
to deploy the appEvent Subscriptions
Subscribe to events on behalf of users
section add the following
OAuth Tokens & Redirect URLs
page and in the User Token Scopes
section and check the following is enabled
Install App
page and click to add the app to your workspace. You will be asked to grant permissions.bots
in the slack app directory
in your .env
fileSLACK_SIGNING_TOKEN=123 SLACK_TOKEN-abc sls deploy
to deploy the application complete with slack tokensGeneral
and see an epehemeral message in action.Hi member, welcome to the Pact Foundation community!
Please join the relevant channels for your Pact implementation, so you can discuss your issues with the audience who can best help you.
If you need help with an issue please check your DM from the welcome bot for more info.
Hi member, Thanks for joining a new Pact Foundation channel. Feel free to ask questions
See https://app.slack.com/app-settings/T5F60FXSQ/A017BFQ1XPB/app-manifest