pagopa / io-pagopa-commons

Common code for integrating with PagoPA
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IO PagoPA Commons

This module provides code shared by the projects of the IO App initiative.


In the following there are instructions to build the app in your computer for development purposes.


We built a script for helping setting up the laptop, you can find it here

Otherwise, please follow the following steps:

Install NodeJS

To run the project you need to install a properly version of NodeJS.

On macOS and Linux we recommend the use of a virtual environment, such as nodenv for managing multiple versions of NodeJS. The node version used in this project is stored in .node-version.

If you already have nodenv installed and configured on your system, the correct version node will be set when you access the app directory.

To install, follow the steps described below.

Install brew

If you do not have it already, install brew following the installation instructions in the home page.

Install nodenv

brew install nodenv

Install yarn

For the management of javascript dependencies we use Yarn.

Yarn is a node application. IF you have already installed in your system version of node compatible with yarn, you can install it as a global command with:

npm install -g yarn

Install dependencies and build

Install the libraries used by the project and build it:

$ yarn install --frozen-lockfile
$ yarn build

Run Tests

Run Unit Tests

$ yarn test

Run Lint Check

$ yarn lint

Releasing a version

Release has been automatized by using Azure Pipelines.

To release a new version please go to io-pagopa-commons project on Azure and manually run the pipeline. Be aware to choose the right release version between major|minor|patch