pagopa / openapi-codegen-ts

App IO - Utils
European Union Public License 1.2
37 stars 12 forks source link

Utilities and tools for the Digital Citizenship initiative

This package provide some tools that are used across the projects of the Digital Citizenship initiative.

To add the tools to a project:

$ yarn add -D @pagopa/openapi-codegen-ts



This tool generates TypeScript definitions of OpenAPI specs.

In simple terms it converts an OpenAPI spec like this one into:

Note: the generated models requires the runtime dependency @pagopa/ts-commons.

About string pattern definition

Up until version 12.x, when handling string pattern definitions given in the OpenAPI specifications, the production of runtime types has a bug: when using a backslash (\) for escaping regular expression digits (e.g., \d), the generator drops it. Double backslashes (\\) can be used in the pattern description as a fix for this issue. Starting from version 12.x the codegen will notify you whenever it detects a \\ inside a pattern definition as this bug has been resolved for OpenAPI 3.x.


$ gen-api-models --help
  --version               Show version number                          [boolean]
  --api-spec              Path to input OpenAPI spec file    [string] [required]
  --strict                Generate strict interfaces (default: true)
                                                                 [default: true]
  --out-dir               Output directory to store generated definition files
                                                             [string] [required]
  --ts-spec-file          If defined, converts the OpenAPI specs to TypeScript
                          source and writes it to this file             [string]
  --request-types         Generate request types (default: false)
                                                                [default: false]
  --response-decoders     Generate response decoders (default:
                          false, implies --request-types)       [default: false]
  --client                Generate request client SDK           [default: false]
  --default-success-type  Default type for success responses (
                          default: 'undefined')  [string] [default: "undefined"]
  --default-error-type    Default type for error responses (
                          default: 'undefined')  [string] [default: "undefined"]
  --help                  Show help                                    [boolean]


$ gen-api-models --api-spec ./api/public_api_v1.yaml --out-dir ./lib/api/definitions --ts-spec-file ./lib/api/public_api_v1.ts
Writing TS Specs to lib/api/public_api_v1.ts
ProblemJson -> lib/api/definitions/ProblemJson.ts
NotificationChannel -> lib/api/definitions/NotificationChannel.ts
NotificationChannelStatusValue -> lib/api/definitions/NotificationChannelStatusValue.ts

Generated client

The http client is defined in client.ts module file. It exports the following:

import { createClient, WithDefaultsT } from "my-api/client";

// Without withDefaults
const simpleClient: Client = createClient({
    baseUrl: `http://localhost:8080`,
    fetchApi: (nodeFetch as any) as typeof fetch

// myOperation is defined to accept { id: string; Bearer: string; }
const result = await simpleClient.myOperation({
    id: "id123",
    Bearer: "VALID_TOKEN"

// with withDefaults
const withBearer: WithDefaultsT<"Bearer"> = 
    wrappedOperation => 
        params => { // wrappedOperation and params are correctly inferred
            return wrappedOperation({
              Bearer: "VALID_TOKEN"
//  this is the same of using createClient<"Bearer">. K type is being inferred from withBearer
const clientWithGlobalToken: Client<"Bearer"> = createClient({
    baseUrl: `http://localhost:8080`,
    fetchApi: (nodeFetch as any) as typeof fetch,
    withDefaults: withBearer

// myOperation doesn't require "Bearer" anymore, as it's defined in "withBearer" adapter 
const result = await clientWithGlobalToken.myOperation({
    id: "id123"


Bundles a generated api models and clients into a node package ready to be published into a registry. The script is expected to be executed in the root of an application exposing an API, thus it infers package attributes from the expected ./package.json file. Values can be still overridden by provinding the respective CLI argument. To avoid this behavior, use --no-infer-attrs or -N.


$ gen-api-sdk --help
Package options:
  --no-infer-attr, -N                 Infer package attributes from a
                                      package.json file present in the current
                                      directory       [boolean] [default: false]
  --package-name, -n, --name          Name of the generated package     [string]
  --package-version, -V               Version of the generated package  [string]
  --package-description, -d, --desc   Description of the package        [string]
  --package-author, -a, --author      The author of the API exposed     [string]
  --package-license, -L, --license    The license of the API Exposed    [string]
  --package-registry, -r, --registry  Url of the registry the package is
                                      published in                      [string]
  --package-access, -x, --access      Either 'public' or 'private', depending of
                                      the accessibility of the package in the
                                         [string] [choices: "public", "private"]

Code generation options:
  --api-spec, -i          Path to input OpenAPI spec file    [string] [required]
  --strict                Generate strict interfaces (default: true)
                                                                 [default: true]
  --out-dir, -o           Output directory to store generated definition files
                                                             [string] [required]
  --default-success-type  Default type for success responses (experimental,
                          default: 'undefined')  [string] [default: "undefined"]
  --default-error-type    Default type for error responses (experimental,
                          default: 'undefined')  [string] [default: "undefined"]
  --camel-cased           Generate camelCased properties name (default: false)
                                                                [default: false]

  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]
  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]


Takes a given api spec file and resolves its esternal references by creating a new file with only internal refereces

$ bundle-api-spec --help
Code generation options:
  --api-spec, -i     Path to input OpenAPI spec file         [string] [required]
  --out-path, -o     Output path of the spec file            [string] [required]
  --api-version, -V  Version of the api. If provided, override the version in
                     the original spec file                             [string]

  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]
  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]



Unit test

Run test over utils' implementation

yarn test

End-to-end test

Run test over generated files

yarn e2e

Known issues, tradeoffs and throubleshooting

A model file for a definition is not generated

When using gen-api-models against a specification file which references an external definition file, some of such remote definitions do not result in a dedicated model file. This is somehow intended and the rationale is explained here. Quick takeaway is that to have a definition to result in a model file, it must be explicitly referenced by the specification file. In short: if you need to keep the references between the generated classes, the specification file must contain all the schema definitions. See example below.


if the Pets schema uses the Pet, import both into the main document

        $ref: "animal.yaml#/Pets"
        $ref: "animal.yaml#/Pet"


  type: array
    $ref: '#/definitions/Pet'
  type: "object"
    - name
      type: string

Migration from old versions

Generated code is slightly different from v4 as it implements some bug fixes that result in breaking changes. Here's a list of what to be aware of:

from 4.3.0 to 5.x