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Lazy load catalog #24

Open soutobias opened 1 month ago

soutobias commented 1 month ago


Lazy loading and memory-efficient management of large image metadata catalogs involve techniques to handle extensive datasets by loading only the necessary data into memory as needed. This approach optimizes resource usage and improves performance, especially when dealing with large-scale image collections where storing or processing all data at once is impractical.


Handling large image metadata catalogs can be challenging due to memory constraints and performance issues. Lazy loading ensures that only a subset of data is loaded into memory, which reduces the risk of running out of memory and improves processing speed. Memory-efficient techniques help manage large datasets effectively, making it possible to perform operations without overwhelming system resources.


  1. Lazy Loading with Python:

    • Using Generators: Generators provide a way to iterate over large datasets without loading the entire dataset into memory. This is useful for processing large catalogs of image metadata.

      def load_metadata(filename):
       with open(filename, 'r') as file:
           for line in file:
               yield line.strip()  # Yield each line of metadata as it is read
      metadata_gen = load_metadata('large_metadata_file.txt')
      # Example of processing the metadata
      for metadata in metadata_gen:
    • Using pandas with chunksize: For processing large CSV files, the pandas library allows loading data in chunks to avoid memory issues.

      import pandas as pd
      def process_chunk(chunk):
       # Process the chunk of data
      for chunk in pd.read_csv('large_metadata_file.csv', chunksize=1000):
  2. Memory-Efficient Data Management:

    • Using dask: Dask is a parallel computing library that integrates with pandas and numpy for handling large datasets efficiently.

      import dask.dataframe as dd
      # Load large CSV file as a Dask dataframe
      ddf = dd.read_csv('large_metadata_file.csv')
      # Perform operations on the Dask dataframe
      result = ddf.groupby('some_column').mean().compute()  # Perform computation and load result into memory
    • Using sqlite for Metadata Storage: For large-scale metadata, using a database like sqlite helps in querying and retrieving only the needed parts of the dataset.

      import sqlite3
      conn = sqlite3.connect('metadata.db')
      cursor = conn.cursor()
      # Example query to fetch metadata
      cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM image_metadata WHERE some_condition')
      rows = cursor.fetchall()
      # Process rows
      for row in rows:

What to expect:

What makes it difficult:

Success Metrics:

LoicVA commented 1 month ago

Could you expand on generators?

soutobias commented 4 weeks ago

@Mojtabamsd , could you include here an example code or some examples on projects that you worked before?