paidiver / paidiverpy

Apache License 2.0
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Paidiverpy is a Python package designed to create pipelines for preprocessing image data for biodiversity analysis.

Note: This package is still in active development, and frequent updates and changes are expected. The API and features may evolve as we continue improving it.

Comprehensive documentation is forthcoming.


You can install paidiverpy locally or on a notebook server such as JASMIN or the NOC Data Science Platform (DSP). The following steps are applicable to both environments, but steps 2 and 3 are required if you are using a notebook server.

  1. Clone the repository:

    # ssh
    git clone
    # https
    # git clone
    cd paidiverpy
  2. (Optional) Create a Python virtual environment to manage dependencies separately from other projects. For example, using mamba:

    mamba init
    # Command to restart the terminal. This command may not be necessary if mamba init has already been successfully run before
    exec bash
    mamba env create -f environment.yml
    mamba activate Paidiverpy
  3. (Optional) For JASMIN or DSP users, you also need to install the environment in the Jupyter IPython kernel. Execute the following command:

    python -m ipykernel install --user --name Paidiverpy
  4. Install the paidiverpy package:

    Finally, you can install the paidiverpy package:

    pip install -e .

Package Organization

Configuration File

First, create a configuration file. Example configuration files for processing the sample datasets are available in the example/config directory. You can use these files to test the example notebooks described in the Usage section. Note that running the examples will automatically download the sample data.

The configuration file should follow the JSON schema described in the configuration file schema. An online tool to validate configuration files is available here.


To use this package, you may need a metadata file, which can be an IFDO.json file (following the IFDO standard) or a CSV file. For CSV files, ensure the filename column uses one of the following headers: ['image-filename', 'filename', 'file_name', 'FileName', 'File Name'].

Other columns like datetime, latitude, and longitude should follow these conventions:

Examples of CSV and IFDO metadata files are in the example/metadata directory.


The package is organized into multiple layers:

Package Organization

The Paidiverpy class serves as the main container for image processing functions. It manages several subclasses for specific processing tasks: OpenLayer, ConvertLayer, PositionLayer, ResampleLayer, and ColorLayer.

Supporting classes include:

The Pipeline class integrates all processing steps defined in the configuration file.


While comprehensive documentation is forthcoming, you can explore various use cases through sample notebooks in the examples/example_notebooks directory:

Example Data

If you'd like to manually download example data for testing, you can use the following command:

from paidiverpy import data

Available datasets:

Example data will be automatically downloaded when running the example notebooks.

Command-Line Arguments

Pipelines can be executed via command-line arguments. For example:

paidiverpy -c examples/config_files/config_simple.yaml

This runs the pipeline according to the configuration file, saving output images to the directory defined in the output_path.

Docker Command

You can also run Paidiverpy using Docker. You can either build the container locally or pull it from Docker Hub.

  1. Build the container locally:

    git clone
    cd paidiverpy
    docker build -t paidiverpy .
  2. Pull the image from Docker Hub:

    docker pull soutobias/paidiverpy:latest

Run the container with:

docker run --rm \
  -v <OUTPUT_PATH>:/app/output/ \
  soutobias/paidiverpy:latest \ 
  paidiverpy -c /app/examples/config_files/<CONFIGURATION_FILE_FILENAME>

In this command:

The output images will be saved to the specified output_path.