palantir / conjure-typescript

Conjure generator for TypeScript clients
Apache License 2.0
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conjure-typescript NPM License

CLI to generate TypeScript Interfaces and clients from Conjure API definitions.


The generated clients provide a simple Promise based interface for executing strongly typed remote procedure calls from the browser or node.


The recommended way to use conjure-typescript is via a build tool like gradle-conjure. However, if you don't want to use gradle-conjure, there is also an executable which conforms to RFC 002, published on

conjure-typescript generate <input> <output> [..Options]

Generate TypeScript bindings for a Conjure API

  input   The location of the API IR
  output  The output directory for the generated code

  --version                Show version number                                                                           [boolean]
  --help                   Show help                                                                                     [boolean]
  --packageVersion         The version of the generated package                                                           [string]
  --packageName            The name of the generated package                                                              [string]
  --flavorizedAliases      Generates flavoured types for compatible aliases.                            [boolean] [default: false]
  --nodeCompatibleModules  Generate node compatible javascript                                          [boolean] [default: false]
  --rawSource              Generate raw source without any package metadata                             [boolean] [default: false]
  --readonlyInterfaces     Generated interfaces have readonly properties and collections                [boolean] [default: false]
  --productDependencies    Path to a file containing a list of product dependencies                                       [string]

SemVer releases

This project is versioned according to SemVer. We consider the generated code to be part of the 'public API' of conjure-typescript, i.e. TypeScript generated by old conjure-typescript and new conjure-typescript (within a major version) should be compatible, so your consumers should be able to upgrade without compilation problems.

We also consider the command line interface and feature flags to be public API.

Example generated objects

Example Client interfaces

Example service interface: PrimitiveService

export interface IPrimitiveService {
    getPrimitive(): Promise<number>;

export class PrimitiveService {
    public getPrimitive(): Promise<number> {
        return this.bridge.callEndpoint<number>({
            endpointName: "getPrimitive",
            endpointPath: "/getPrimitive",
            method: "GET",
            requestMediaType: MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
            responseMediaType: MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,

Constructing clients

Use clients from conjure-typescript-runtime which configures the browser's Fetch API with sensible defaults:

import { DefaultHttpApiBridge } from "conjure-client";
const recipes = new RecipeBookService(new DefaultHttpApiBridge({
    baseUrl: "",
    userAgent: {
        productName: "yourProductName",
        productVersion: "1.0.0"

const results: Recipe[] = await recipes.getRecipes();


For instructions on how to set up your local development environment, check out the Contributing document.


This project is made available under the Apache 2.0 License.