This repository contains the active source code for the PBDB web interface and application. This version encapsulates much of the earlier CGI based code in a proper web application framework. A new templating engine, user management system and many other more robust services are provided by this new configuration. The "classic" codebase (retroactively referred to as version 1) exists in a separate repository but development has ceased and it has been removed from production deployment. It is hoped that this cleaner and more modern version of the database frontend will lead to more active and rapid development in the future.
Please raise issues related to the database in general on the PBDB Change Log repository. Issues on this repository should be reserved for the core development team. This application is deployed live at and specific bugs related to its operation should be reported to
The Paleobiology Database (PBDB) is a non-governmental, non-profit public resource for paleontological data. It has been organized and operated by a multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional, international group of paleobiological researchers. Its purpose is to provide global, collection-based occurrence and taxonomic data for organisms of all geological ages, as well data services to allow easy access to data for independent development of analytical tools, visualization software, and applications of all types. The Database’s broader goal is to encourage and enable data-driven collaborative efforts that address large-scale paleobiological questions.
More information about the PBDB can be found here.