palworldlol / palworld-exporter

Prometheus metrics exporter for Palword Server
MIT License
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kubernetes metrics monitoring palworld palworld-dedicated-server prometheus prometheus-exporter

Prometheus Exporter for Palworld Server

Developed by

Docker Image Version (tag latest semver) Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Pulls GitHub License

Here is a screenshot of what's possible to graph using metrics from this exporter. This Grafana dashboard can be downloaded here.

Grafana Screenshot

This project contains a Prometheus Exporter for Palworld servers to monitor the following metrics:

name description labels metric type
palworld_player_count The current number of players on given server no extra labels Gauge
palworld_player A player currently logged into the server Character name, Player UID, and Steam ID Gauge
palworld_server_info Server Information Server name, Version Gauge
palworld_up Indicator if last metric scrape was successful no extra labels Gauge
palworld_player_save_count Number of player save files on disk. Only included if --save-directory specified. no extra labels Gauge
palworld_player_save_size_bytes File size of a player save file in bytes filename and player UID Gauge
palworld_player_save_mtime Last modified time of a player save file filename and player UID Gauge
palworld_level_save_size_bytes File size of Level.sav in bytes no extra labels Gauge

For more information of Gauges see here.


Environment Variables are available:

Run normally with Pip package


Run as Container

Just Docker

Below is the command to run straight with docker (podman works too!).

NOTE: You will need to make sure the exporter can reach the Palworld server you wish to monitor.

docker run -e RCON_HOST=palworld -e RCON_PASSWORD=topsecrt -e SAVE_DIRECTORY=/palworld -v ./palworld:/palworld:z,ro -p 9877:9877 --rm -it

Docker Compose

Here is an EXAMPLE docker compose file that uses a great containerization of Palworld:

⚠️ Note: PLEASE check the README on and don't just copy paste this.

    restart: unless-stopped
    container_name: exporter
      - 9877:9877/tcp
      - palworld
      - RCON_HOST=palworld
      - RCON_PORT=25575
      - RCON_PASSWORD=top-secret
      - SAVE_DIRECTORY=/palworld
      - ./palworld:/palworld/:z,ro
      container_name: palworld-server
        - 8211:8211/udp
        - 27015:27015/udp
         - PUID=1000
         - PGID=1000
         - PORT=8211
         - PLAYERS=16
         - MULTITHREADING=true
         - RCON_ENABLED=true
         - RCON_PORT=25575
         - ADMIN_PASSWORD=top-secret
         - ./palworld:/palworld/:z

Example metric output

# HELP palworld_server_info Palworld server information
# TYPE palworld_server_info gauge
palworld_server_info{name="My Palworld",version=""} 1.0
# HELP palworld_player_count Current player count
# TYPE palworld_player_count gauge
palworld_player_count 2.0
# HELP palworld_player Palworld player information
# TYPE palworld_player gauge
palworld_player{name="vince",player_uid="326323370",steam_id="2222222"} 1.0
palworld_player{name="shlomi",player_uid="1965487011",steam_id="333333"} 1.0
# HELP palworld_player Palworld player information
# TYPE palworld_player gauge
# HELP palworld_up Was the last scrape of RCON successful
# TYPE palworld_up gauge
palworld_up 1.0
# HELP palworld_player_save_size_bytes File size of a player save file in bytes
# TYPE palworld_player_save_size_bytes gauge
palworld_player_save_size_bytes{filename="13734CAA000000000000000000000000.sav",player_uid="326323370"} 2638.0
palworld_player_save_size_bytes{filename="37BE91CC000000000000000000000000.sav",player_uid="935236044"} 2663.0
palworld_player_save_size_bytes{filename="7526F3A3000000000000000000000000.sav",player_uid="1965487011"} 4360.0
palworld_player_save_size_bytes{filename="A1A9AEC2000000000000000000000000.sav",player_uid="2712252098"} 2786.0
# HELP palworld_player_save_mtime Last modified time of a player save file
# TYPE palworld_player_save_mtime gauge
palworld_player_save_mtime{filename="13734CAA000000000000000000000000.sav",player_uid="326323370"} 1.707372037e+09
palworld_player_save_mtime{filename="37BE91CC000000000000000000000000.sav",player_uid="935236044"} 1.707372041e+09
palworld_player_save_mtime{filename="7526F3A3000000000000000000000000.sav",player_uid="1965487011"} 1.707372047e+09
palworld_player_save_mtime{filename="A1A9AEC2000000000000000000000000.sav",player_uid="2712252098"} 1.707372051e+09
# HELP palworld_player_save_count Number of player save files
# TYPE palworld_player_save_count gauge
palworld_player_save_count 4.0
# HELP palworld_level_save_size_bytes File size of Level.sav in bytes
# TYPE palworld_level_save_size_bytes gauge
palworld_level_save_size_bytes 7.711697e+06