panakour / google-analytics

Get data from google analytics (API v4) using PHP
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Get easily whatever data you want from google analytics API V4 using laravel php framework.

This package helps php developers to use Google Analytics API V4 with convenient way. The code is clean and was written with good OOP practices. Any help to improve this package would be appreciated.

The package is compatible with laravel framework.


Install the package via composer:

composer require panakour/analytics

To use it with laravel add the GoogleAnalyticsServiceProvider to the config/app.php:

'providers' => [

If you want to use the facade of the package add it to the config/app.php:

'aliases' => [
'Analytics' => Panakour\Analytics\Facades\Analytics::class

Copy the analytics config file with the command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Panakour\Analytics\GoogleAnalyticsServiceProvider"

For those who have a credential with google analytics api continue here otherwise look at how to create credential with google analytics api.

Be sure that you have service-account-credentials.json file within storage\app\google-analytics\.

Add the view id to .env file:



You can get analytics data simply using the facade


To get all sessions of the last week


To get all sessions depends on the specific date range
Analytics::setDateRange('2016-10-01', '2016-11-25');
To get whatever data you want
Analytics::setDateRange('2016-10-01', '2016-11-25');
Analytics::setMetrics(['ga:entrances', 'ga:pageviews', 'ga:bounceRate']);
Analytics::setDimension(['ga:pagePath', 'ga:pageTitle']);
Analytics::setDimensionFilter('ga:pagePath', 'REGEXP', '/i-want-to-get-all-data-that-has-this-page-path');
Analytics::setOrder('ga:pageviews', 'VALUE', 'DESCENDING');
return Analytics::get();

setMetrics and setDimension methods accept an array containing the wanted metrics and dimension. Available metrics and dimensions

setDimensionFilter accept 3 parameters. First parameter get the dimension name in which you want to filter analytics data. Second parameter get the operator (REGEXP, BEGINS_WITH, ENDS_WITH and more) you want. Third parameter get the expression. For example if you want to get all analytics data in which the page path include play or simple words you can use: Analytics::setDimensionFilter('ga:pagePath', 'REGEXP', '(\/play\/|\/simple\/)');

If you want to get analytics data for multiple pages in a single request by their exact paths, you can use the 'IN_LIST' operator and pass an array of paths as the third parameter. E.g. Analytics::setDimensionFilter('ga:pagePath', 'IN_LIST', ['/i-want-data-for-this-path', '/and/this-path-too']);

setOrder method accept 3 parameters. First parameter get the name in which you want to order the data. Second get OrderType usually VALUE. Third get the SortOrder usually ASCENDING or DESCENDING.

Get data using Analytics contract


Instead of facade you can get analytics data using the Analytics interface:

use Panakour\Analytics\Contracts\Analytics;

class GoogleAnalyticsController
    //inject analytics interface
    public function get(Analytics $analytics)
        $analytics->setDateRange('2016-12-01', '2016-12-20');
        $analytics->setMetrics(['ga:pageviews', 'ga:uniquePageviews', 'ga:avgTimeOnPage', 'ga:entrances', 'ga:bounceRate']);
        $analytics->setDimension(['ga:pagePath', 'ga:pageTitle']);
        $analytics->setDimensionFilter('ga:pagePath', 'REGEXP', '(\/this-value-in-path\/|\/or-this-value-in-path\/)');
        $analytics->setOrder('ga:pageviews', 'VALUE', 'DESCENDING');
        return $analytics->get();

Create credential with google analytics api v4

Guide from google analytics api v4: