panda-express-js / Atelier

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Git WorkFlow

  1. Branch Creation or Switching:

    • Avoid coding directly in the main branch. Create or switch to a specific feature branch:
      • Create a feature branch:

        git checkout -b feature-branch

      • Or switch to an existing branch:

        git checkout feature-branch

  2. Merge updates from the main branch into your working branch and resolve any conflicts on the feature branch:

    git pull origin main

  3. Coding and Committing:

    • keep code less than 30 lines for review
    • After coding, add, commit, and push your changes:

      git add file-name / git add . to add all files

      git commit

      git push origin feature-branch

  4. In Github, make pull request (PR) from feature branch to main

    Link the pull request to the related task card in Trello, and remove the task card to review stage

  5. Resolve any merge conflicts if indicated in github by repeat step 1-3

  6. Require at least one team member to review and approve the PR.

  7. Once the PR is approved, the reviewer click the merge green button to complete the merge