pandell / Spagety

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Spagety can be used for making Single Page Apps (SPA) by lazily-loading resources using GET requests. It allows a developer to bundle their AMD javascript modules, along with any required html and css files into packages, and lazily-load all resources when needed.

Spagety creates a custom Knockout binding that allows a user to specify a variety of parameters needed to load resources for a specific module, as well as configure it. Resources are currently loaded using Require and its text-plugin.

Spagety is intended to be simple, with minimal dependencies and overhead. It is intended to be flexible to allow applications to build and extend off of it. Instead of providing default functionality (like redirecting to a 404 page, if a url does not resolve), numerous events are fired to allow each application to respond accordingly. Likewise, Spagety does not use any css, sprites, or images itself (ex: like a default loading animation), so that it may remain small, and flexible for each scenario to customize itself.

By providing many events and hooks throughout Spagety's processes, creating simple plugins(/meatballs) should be easy to do. For example, creating a plugin such as something like a scrollSpy should be easy to do by hooking up to the different events fired, and node visibility states.

To see a working demo, check out this (temporary) demo site:


Getting Started

After getting the spagety.js file, as well as its dependencies in your project, you will need to create a config.js file to configure Require.

In the config.js file all you need to do to get started, is create a require call like so:

require(["spagety", "rootViewModel"], function(spagety, rootViewModel) {
        viewModel: new rootViewModel()

The rootViewModel is an optional viewModel that would be bound for the root page, that all sub-pages could inherit from.

Then within your index.html page you can create an element with a page binding like so:

<div data-bind="page: { id: 'testPg',
                        html: 'testPg.html',
                        css: 'testPg.css',
                        viewModel: 'testPgViewModel'}"></div>

You can also use Spagety to show/hide inline elements, without having to load or bind any external resources:

<div data-bind='page: {id: "testInlinePg"}'>
    <div>I will only be shown when the url crumb matches 'testInlinePg'</div>

How It Works

Spagety listens to the hashchange event on the window.location and breaks apart the url (after the hashbang, #!/ ) into crumbs, and then tries to navigate to that specific nested page.

To nest a page in another, you simply add a page data-binding to the html specifying the resources needed, and an id (to match a crumb).

For example, if we had a.html, we could define 2 sub pages within it:

    <h1>I am 'a'</h1>
    <a href="#!/a/b">Go to B</a>
    <a href="#!/a/c">Go to C</a>
    <div data-bind='page: {id: "b", html: "b.html"}'></div>
    <div data-bind='page: {id: "c", html: "c.html"}'></div>

The way that Spagety navigates, is step-by-step resolving each crumb, trying to load the sub page if it exists, then iterating down the line. In the example above, Spagety knows that a has 2 child pages b and c because of the page binding (although they have not been loaded yet).

Navigation occurs after the window fires a hashchange event. This triggers navigation to occur at the root node, and traverse until the url is found. There are 3 stages to navigation:


Navigate to #!/a/b/f/k


Step 1: We can see that when the page is first loaded, we only have a.html which only knows about its 2 children b and c. We try to match crumb by crumb navigating down the graph. If node has not been loaded yet, then Spagety will load and bind the node in order to identify if it has any child pages. This continues untl k is loaded and found. Each page with a circle indicates it has been loaded / pending-visible is true.

Step 1.2: After the found event, we see that we still load n o and s. This is because they are indicated as autoShow by a star. However, we can also see that d and j also have a star by them, but they are not loaded. This is because the autoShow pages are only loaded after the last resolved node.

Step 2: Starting at k, the last resolved node, it calls its parent node f to toggle f's direct children nodes' visibility. Once f has toggled it's children, f then calls its parentb to do the same. This repeats until the root node (a) has toggled its direct children.

Step 3: The final step begins at the root node, which traverses the entire graph (as indicated by the numbers beside each node), toggling the visibility to match whatever the pending state was set to. This is important to clean up any nodes that are left visible when they should not be. This occurs when the user navigates between pages, and is illustrated below:

Navigate from #!/a/b/f/k to #!/a/c/i/m:


Here we can see a similar process as described above with the first 2 steps. However, we can see at the end of the second step, after m began the reveal process, that several nodes are still visible when they should not be. Nodes f k n o and s are all still visible despite not matching the url. This is because the reveal process only toggles direct children, in this case b. The nodes mentioned above will not be visible to the user (since b is not visible), but to resolve their proper state, this is why we need Step 3.


To make Spagety flexible numerous events are fired throughout the navigation process. Each of these events can be configured on a global scale, or on a per node basis. Each event bubbles up through its parent's until the global event handler is called. Each node can also prevent the event from bubbling up as well.

An overview of the Events can be seen below:


There are 12 different events that may be fired during the navigation process. Events marked with a + indicate that these will be called on each node affected, instead of just once for the navigation cycle.

To create an event callback, you can either specify a global event handler, by passing in a parameter into the spagety.start() function, or by passing in a function into the data-binding.

    viewModel: new rootViewModel(),
    onNotFound: function() { alert("404 PAGE NOT FOUND!"); }


<div data-bind="page: {id: 'test', onFound: function() { alert('YOU FOUND ME!'); }}"></div>

Each event callback is passed three parameters. function eventCallback(element, page, urlObj) {}

To prevent bubbling, the event callback just has to return {preventBubbling: true};.


Html can either be lazily-loaded on defined inline.

To lazily-load an external resource, simply add an html attribute to the page binding, and specify the html page to load:

<div data-bind="page: {id: 'test', html: 'test.html'}"></div>

To define html inline, just place it between the container tags.

<div data-bind="page: {id: 'test'}">
    <div>I am inline!</div>
    <div data-bind="page: {id: 'test2'}">
        <div>I am a subPage who is inline!</div>


If a module has its own css that is different than the global style sheets, then Spagety can load the css file and scope it to this element (as to not interfere with other components, ex: if this css class defines a h1 element differently than the global css file).

The css is scoped by creating a unique identifier, and then prepending this identifier as a class to each rule within the css file. The identifier is then added as a class onto the container page element. The css is then added as a <style> inside the head of the document.

To load a css file, simply add a css attribute to the data-binding:

<div data-bind="page: {id: 'test', css: 'testStyles.css'}"></div>


If the viewModel attribute is used within the page binding, then Spagety will try to get the javascript module. This module will then be bound to the bindingContext of the page element.

NOTE: The element that the page binding occurs on, belongs to the previous / parent bindingContext, where as the child elements will be bound with a new bindingContext with the specified javascript module.

If a viewModel is not specified, then the bindingContext will inherit the parent bindingContext's.

To load a module simply add a viewModel attribute to the data-binding:

<div data-bind="page: {id: 'test', viewModel: 'testViewModel'}"></div>

Params / Config

Global Config

To set global configuration for Spagety please pass the parameters into the spagety.start() function.

The parameters it currently accepts are:

    viewModel: ,
    allowBubbling: ,

Page Params

Each page binding can accept a number of parameters to configure the node. These include:

page: {
    id: [string](required),
    html: [string]
    css: [string]
    viewModel: [sting]
    autoShow: [true/false]
    title: [string/observable]
    ~events~: [function]


Corey Jasinski


MIT License -