panemu / tiwulfx-dock

MIT License
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TiwulFX Dock


TiwulFX-Dock provides enhanced JavaFX TabPane that supports tab reordering, detaching and docking.



Check latest release version in maven repo. Maven dependency:


Wrap DetachableTabPane inside a SplitPane. Below is an example in FXML file:

<SplitPane VBox.vgrow="ALWAYS">
        <DetachableTabPane fx:id="myTabPane" />

Then if the java class file has a variable holding reference to the DetachableTabPane, then add this

myTabPane.setOnClosedPassSibling((sibling) -> myTabPane = sibling);


All of the following customization examples are shown in the demo projects.

When a tab is detached, a stage is created. Set the owner of the stage with this code:

myTabPane.setStageOwnerFactory((stage) -> getScene().getWindow());

To customize how detached stage looks like, use custom scene factor as follow:

myTabPane.setSceneFactory((param) -> {
    FrmScope1 frm = new FrmScope1();
    SplitPane sp = new SplitPane(param);
    VBox.setVgrow(sp, Priority.ALWAYS);
    Scene scene1 = new Scene(frm);
    return scene1;

Take a look at styles in tiwulfx-dock.css. Provide your own version of the styles to override the style of drop guiding path and adjacent drop buttons. For a further customization of the drag-drop indicator, extends TabDropHint class and supply the instance of it to the tab pane:

myTabPane.setDropHint(new CustomDropHint());

All these customization examples are shown in the demo projects.



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