Pangea Chat is a web and mobile platform which lets students ‘learn a language while texting their friends.’ Addressing the gap in communicative language teaching, especially for beginners lacking skill and confidence, Pangea Chat provides a low-stress, high-support environment for language learning through authentic conversations. By integrating human and artificial intelligence, the app enhances communicative abilities and supports educators. Pangea Chat has been grant funded by the National Science Foundation and Virginia Innovation Partnership Corporation based on its technical innovation and potential for broad social impact. Our mission is to build a global, decentralized learning network supporting intercultural learning and exchange.
flutter run -d chrome –hot
flutter run –hot -d <DEVICE_NAME>
Pangea Chat is a fork of FluffyChat which is a [matrix] client written in Flutter. You can support the primary maker of FluffyChat directly here.
Fabiyamada is a graphics designer and has made the fluffychat logo and the banner. Big thanks for her great designs.
Advocatux has made the Spanish translation with great love and care. He always stands by my side and supports my work with great commitment.
Thanks to MTRNord and Sorunome for developing.
Also thanks to all translators and testers! With your help, fluffychat is now available in more than 12 languages.
Noto Emoji Font for the awesome emojis.
WoodenBeaver sound theme for the notification sound.
The Matrix Foundation for making and maintaining the emoji translations used for emoji verification, licensed Apache 2.0