pangeo-data / pangeo-cloud-federation

Deployment automation for Pangeo JupyterHubs on AWS, Google, and Azure
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This repository manages the continuous deployment of the Pangeo Cloud Federation JupyterHub Kubernetes clusters using hubploy. It contains scripts to automatically redeploy when the image definition or chart parameters are changed. Changing the image will typically take ~20 minutes, and changing a Helm config variable ~1 minute.


Name Cloud: region Staging CircleCI Production CircleCI
gcp-uscentral1b GCP: us-central1-b
aws2 AWS: us-west-2
ooi Azure: eastus

Instructions to add a new hub

Setup a Kubernetes Cluster

The first step to using this automation is to create a Kubernetes cluster. Scripts to do so using Google Cloud Platform can be found here. For other cloud providers (e.g. AWS, Azure), follow the Zero-to-JupyterHub guide.

Install git-crypt

You will need to install git-crypt. git-crypt is used to encrypt the secrets that are used for deploying your cluster. Please read this HOW GIT-CRYPT WORKS if new to it.

Configure this repository

Once you have a cluster created, you can begin customizing the configuration.



We have some rudimentary testing of deployments. The tests are located in the file Tests should be grouped according to which cloud deployment they should run on (all, GCP only, etc.)

There were some manual setup steps


We've deployed prometheus and grafana to monitor cluster usage. These metrics are publically visible:

These are deployed independently of CI. The GCP deployment is done in deployments/gcp-uscentral1b/Makefile, with the metrics target.

$ cd deployments/gcp-uscentral1b
$ make metrics

Configuration is in the metrics folder. We expose it with an nginx-ingress, which was configured to have a static IP on Google Cloud and added to our DNS to server from the URL above.

Likewise with the aws / icesat2 deployment.


All pull requests should be made to the staging branch. When a change has been verified and is ready for deployment, staging can be merged into prod. This repository is set up with continuous deployment upon pushes to both staging and prod.

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