pangeo-forge / pangeo-forge-bakery-images

Infrastructure and Image definitions for pangeo-forge bakeries
Apache License 2.0
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:construction: This repo is archived. It is no longer used in production.

We have kept this repo as an archive (rather than deleting it), in case it is useful as reference.

pangeo-forge Bakery Images ☁️🍞

This repository serves as the provider of the worker Docker image definitions used by pangeo-forge Bakeries and their dask clusters

All images are based on the pangeo-notebook image found here



Available image tags

The following image tags for pangeo-forge-bakery-images are currently available on the pangeo DockerHub:

Image Tag Core Package Versions Size
pangeonotebook-2021.05.15_prefect-0.14.19_pangeoforgerecipes-0.3.4 pangeo-notebook - 2021.05.15
prefect - 0.14.19
pangeo-forge-recipes - 0.3.4
pangeonotebook-2021.06.05_prefect-0.14.22_pangeoforgerecipes-0.4.0 pangeo-notebook - 2021.06.05
prefect - 0.14.22
pangeo-forge-recipes - 0.4.0
pangeonotebook-2021.07.17_prefect-0.14.22_pangeoforgerecipes-0.5.0 pangeo-notebook - 2021.07.17
prefect - 0.14.22
pangeo-forge-recipes - 0.5.0


These tags are for use within a deployed pangeo-forge Bakery. You can find an AWS Bakery here and an Azure Bakery here.

Bakeries require the containers that are pulling and running Prefect Flows to contain the necessary dependencies to successfully do this. On deployment of your Bakery, you should point your Agent and Worker containers to one of these pangeo-forge-bakery-images tags.

For example, you could deploy the Azure Bakery linked earlier and set AZURE_BAKERY_IMAGE in your .env like so:




To develop on this project, you should have the following installed:

If you're developing on MacOS, all of the above can be installed using homebrew

If you're developing on Windows, we'd recommend using either Git BASH or Windows Subsystem for Linux

Building an image

To build an image, select the tag from the table above that you wish to build, then in the root of the repo run:

$ make build-image image=<image-tag>

Pushing an image

To successfully push an image tag to the pangeo/pangeo-forge-bakery-images registry, you will need two things:

When you have both of these, you'll need to login with:

$ docker login --username <your-username> --password <your-personal-access-token>

To push an image, select the tag from the table above that you wish to push, then in the root of the repo run:

$ make push-image image=<image-tag>