ClojureScript well integrated with the AngularJS framework.
Clang includes an unmodified current release of AngularJS. It allows you to use ClojureScript data structures throughout your angular app and simplifies writing your controllers and directives, etc according to Angular's best practices. Clang integrates ClojureScript into all of Angular's built-in directives.
Clang defines a new $parse provider which is injected throughout Angular and used wherever Angular reads any properties from the scope. It also replaces the Angular $interpolate provider to enable the same thing in {{interpolated}} blocks in your app.
Those two changes enable all of Angular's built in directives to work with ClojureScript except for the ng-repeat which assumes Javascript arrays. Clang's clang-repeat fills that gap.
Here are a couple of bits of code clipped from the sample index.html
This bit calls the remaining
function from the scope and applies the
built-in count
function to the todos
<span>{{(remaining)}} of {{(count todos)}} remaining</span>
[ <a ng-click="(archive)">archive</a> ]
The relevant controller definitions:
(def.controller m TodoCtrl [$scope]
(assoc! $scope :todos [{:text "learn angular" :done "yes"}
{:text "learn cljs" :done "yes"}
{:text "build an app" :done "no"}])
(defn.scope remaining []
(:todos $scope)
(map :done)
(remove #{"yes"})
Here's a slightly silly but kind of awesome example of building a table:
<tr clang-repeat="group in (drop 1 (partition 3 nums))">
<td clang-repeat="x in (map (juxt identity odd?) group)">
{{(first x)}} is {{(if (last x) "odd" "even")}}
The relevant controller definitions:
(def.controller m TodoCtrl [$scope]
(assoc! $scope :nums (range 1 10)))
Clang has not yet been released on clojars, but you can use it as a dependency by checking out the repo and adding a symlink to it under the magic checkouts folder in your project. See this discussion for details.
[clang "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]
lein cljsbuild auto dev
open resources/public/index.html
Copyright © 2013 Darrick Wiebe
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.