panli200 / NG911

Capstone Project
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Next Generation 911

Next generation 911 (NG911) is a Software Systems Engineering Capstone (2021/2022) project based on Google-backed development tools (Flutter, Firebase, Google Map) by group 7 — Team Bugs (:octocat:Abdelrahman Rabaa, :octocat:Li Pan, :octocat:Renz Rivero)

Purpose & Objectives

It is estimated that a NG911 infrastructure is to be implemented across Canada around the year of 2024. The objective is to bring about an inspiration for this upcoming infrastructure by delivering two applications:

  1. A mobile application for reporting emergencies
  2. An emergency dashboard web application for responding to emergencies

Project Commercial Placeholder

Project Commercial

How to Clone the NG911 Repository


  1. Download and install an IDE (VS Code, Android Studio)
  2. Download and install the Flutter SDK
  3. Download and install Git


  1. Open your terminal and clone the project with Git git clone
  2. Open the project in your chosen IDE and get the packages flutter clean flutter pub get


Lo-fidelity Prototypes — Hand drawn

Hi-fidelity Prototypes - Made in Adobe XD


  1. Team and Project Introduction — Vlog (September 17, 2021)
  2. Project Update — Vlog (October 15, 2021)
  3. Needed dispatcher dashboard complementary application with our original idea — Vlog (December 3, 2021)
  4. Web dashboard application results for dispatchers — Vlog (February 1, 2022)
  5. NG911 System — Vlog (March 8, 2022)


  1. September 24, 2021 — Script | Slide
  2. October 8, 2021 — Script | Slide
  3. October 22, 2021 — Script | Slide
  4. November 19, 2021 — Script | Slide
  5. February 8, 2022 — Script | Slide
  6. February 15, 2022 — Script | Slide
  7. March 15, 2022 — Script | Slide

Bazaar Days

  1. January 25, 2022 — Script | Slide
  2. March 1, 2022 — Script | Slide

Browse the Wiki for behind the scenes stakeholder meeting notes

Got questions? Contact our team by email: Abdelrahman Rabaa —, Li Pan —, Renz Rivero —