pantheon-systems / circleci-orb

Use CircleCI to push code to Pantheon Dev and Multidev Environments
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Make clarifications in README #18

Closed ataylorme closed 5 years ago

ataylorme commented 5 years ago

Some clarifications to the README from my experience testing the orb.

One thing I noticed that is not covered, which users new to CI might wonder, is where to commit code. The README has GitHub set up as a second remote, rather than origin, and does not describe if you should make code commits to Pantheon or GitHub.

A modified version of the GitHub -> CircleCI -> Pantheon diagram from the build tools guide might be helpful.

Some documentation on a pull request workflow and what to expect the orb to do might be helpful as well.

ataylorme commented 5 years ago

Otherwise, my testing went well. Here is the pull request and associated CircleCI job log I used to test.

Edit: the site I tested on, December Couch Coding, did not have the test or live environments initialized. Then the PR multidev was created it pulled files/DB from live, which are empty.

I can remedy this by manually doing a file/DB clone from dev in the Pantheon dashboard. The result is not unexpected but perhaps should be documented as well. Something like the Orb expects the live environment to be initialized.

I only mention it because I can see folks testing the orb on a new site and wanting to get the CI workflow setup and develop the site initially before creating the test and live environments.

stevector commented 5 years ago

Thanks @ataylorme! These are good improvements. I added a step 0 in this PR to address the issue of the Live environment. I agree that the readme needs a more thorough explanation of the git relationships and the suggested workflow. I'll add that under