This reposistory contains the source code for Pantheon's CircleCI Orb. Orbs are a way of encapsulating sharable CircleCI jobs and commands.
This repository provides a job to push code from GitHub or BitBucket to Pantheon through CircleCI.
Use this Orb if you want to progressively introduce continuous integration into a new or pre-existing project on Pantheon. If you're instead looking to start a new Composer-based site with multiple CI steps pre-configured, please start from our example-drops-8-composer or example-wordpress-composer repositories. Those can be copied in one command using the Terminus Build Tools Plugin.
Job From This Orbmaster
branch).git push github master:master
version: 2.1
version: 2
- pantheon/push
pantheon: pantheon-systems/pantheon@0.7.0
ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa -b 4096 -f /tmp/new_key_for_ci -N ''
.cat /tmp/ | pbcopy
) and add it to your Pantheon account.pbcopy
is a command installed by default on MacOS systems. If you use a different operating system you may need to copy and paste the SSH key values manually. See the Pantheon SSH key documentation for more information on SSH key /tmp/new_key_for_ci | pbcopy
) and add it to your CircleCI configuration by using the "SSH Permissions" settings. Set the hostname as
and paste your private key into the text box.TERMINUS_SITE
set to the machine name of your Pantheon site. If you don't know the machine name of your site, look at the URL of the Dev or Test environment of the site. For example in the URL for a Dev environment,
, the machine name is pantheon-weekly-demo-site
(your Bitbucket username [not email]) and BITBUCKET_PASS
(An app password rather than your standard password used to login). These variables need to be added to the project environment variables in CircleCI). For Github, this should be the GITHUB_TOKEN
environment variable. Here is the simplest possible usage of this orb in a .circleci/config.yml
version: 2.1
version: 2
- pantheon/push
pantheon: pantheon-systems/pantheon@0.7.0
Here is an example that compiles Sass in a separate job before pushing to Pantheon.
version: 2.1
version: 2
- pantheon/static_tests
- npmbuild_and_persist
- pantheon/push:
# This "requires" section tells CircleCI the order in which
# jobs must be run.
- npmbuild_and_persist
- pantheon/static_tests
# Because the checkout command is called from pre-steps, it should
# not be run inside the orb-defined steps.
checkout: false
# Perform a git checkout of the code from GitHub/Bitbucket so that
# custom commands (the rm below) can alter the code before it is
# pushed to Pantheon.
- checkout
# Attach this dist directory created in npmbuild_and_persist
# which contains the compiled css.
- attach_workspace:
at: .
# The dist directory that holds the compiled Sass is git ignored.
# It needs to be committed on Pantheon.
# Removing this .gitignore file makes it available for committing.
# Pantheon's Composer examples use a more complicated
# technique of "cutting" the top level .gitignore
# file so that lines specifying build artifact directories are removed.
- run: rm web/themes/custom/default/.gitignore
# Optional: Run a script to build needed stuff if you are not using IC or if you have further needs.
- run: ./.ci/build/php
- pantheon/visual_regression:
- pantheon/push
- master
- pantheon/behat_tests:
- pantheon/visual_regression
- schedule:
cron: "0 21 * * *"
- master
- pantheon/composer_lock_updater
pantheon: pantheon-systems/pantheon@0.2.0
# This job compiles Sass and then saves (persists) the directory
# containing the compiled css for reuse in the pantheon/push job.
- image: node:12.16.1
- checkout
- run:
name: install npm dependencies in a custom Drupal child theme
command: cd web/themes/custom/default && yarn install
- run:
name: Compile Sass
command: cd web/themes/custom/default && yarn production && rm -rf web/themes/custom/default/node_modules
- persist_to_workspace:
root: .
- web/themes/custom/default
Jobs from CircleCI Orbs can take parameters (variables) that alter the behavior of the job.
parameter name | type | default value | required | description |
checkout |
boolean | true |
no | Determines whether a git checkout will be the first command called by the job. Set to false if you have already called "checkout" in the pre-steps section. |
clone_content |
boolean | true |
no | Determines whether or not every build will re-clone content from the environment set in terminus_clone_env. Set to false if cloning the database and files means builds are taking too long. |
env_create_max_time |
string | "10m" |
no | The maximum amount of time to wait for Pantheon environment creation (terminus -n build:env:create). This parameter maps to CircleCI's native no_output_timeout option." |
resource_class |
string | "medium" |
no | The size of the container can be increased for memory-intensive build steps or decreased to reduce billing impact. |
terminus_clone_env |
string | "live" |
no | The source environment from which the database and uploaded files are cloned. |
directory_to_push |
string | "." |
no | The directory within the repository to push to Pantheon. Use this setting if you have a more complex repo structure that puts your Pantheon root in a deeper directory. For instance, if you are using a monorepo to manage a backend CMS on Pantheon and a decoupled frontend deployed elsewhere, set this param to the name of the directory that holds your pantheon.yml file. |
set_env_vars |
boolean | true |
no | Should this job run a script to set env vars like TERMINUS_ENV? Set to false if you set variables in 'pre-steps' |
static_tests_script |
string | "./.ci/test/static/run" |
no | Script to run static tests. Based on "Example Drops 8 Composer" or "Example Wordpress Composer" repos |
vrt_run_script |
string | "./.ci/test/visual-regression/run" |
no | Script to run visual regression tests. Based on "Example Drops 8 Composer" or "Example Wordpress Composer" repos |
behat_initialize_script |
string | "./.ci/test/behat/initialize" |
no | Script to prepare behat tests. Based on "Example Drops 8 Composer" or "Example Wordpress Composer" repos |
behat_run_script |
string | "./.ci/test/behat/run" |
no | Script to run behat tests. Based on "Example Drops 8 Composer" or "Example Wordpress Composer" repos |
behat_clean_script |
string | "./.ci/test/behat/cleanup" |
no | Script to cleanup behat tests. Based on "Example Drops 8 Composer" or "Example Wordpress Composer" repos |
The initial release of the Pantheon Orb is intended to be most helpful to existing Pantheon customers who have been interested in, but reluctant to adopt continuous integration. This Orb should help you take an existing site on Pantheon and start managing the code on GitHub (or BitBucket) and begin to introduce additional build steps like the compilation of Sass or the running of tests.
If you already have a mature CI discipline within your team this Orb may not provide significant additional value at this time. If you are starting a fresh site and want a complete Composer-based workflow with CI, then you are better off making a copy of example-Drops-8-composer or example-wordpress-composer.
environment variable to CircleCI for authentication to work.TERMINUS_SITE
environment variable in CircleCI for certain commands to function.This project is under active development and you may find bugs or have questions. Please use the issue queue for this project.