paoloose / urn

Split tracker / timer with GTK+ frontend. *nix alternative to LiveSplit. This is teh urn.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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alternative-to-livesplit hacktoberfest speedrun-timer speedrun-tool speedrunslive split-tracker timer

Urn split tracker


This simple split tracker was hacked together by 3snow p7im. It was originally written because there were no existing solutions for split tracking with a delayed start available on *nix platforms.

Forked from the original project.

Features added

Bugs fixed

Quick start and installation

For Arch-based distros, see the urn-git package thanks to @belsmith.

For NixOS, see the urn-timer package thanks to @fgaz.


Urn requires gtk3, x11 and jansson; installation requires imagemagick and xxd. The default font is DejaVu.

On Debian-based systems:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential libgtk-3-dev libjansson-dev imagemagick xxd fonts-dejavu

Clone the project:

git clone
cd urn

Now compile and install Urn (see details in the Makefile)

make && sudo make install

All ready! Now start the desktop Urn application or run /usr/local/bin/urn-gtk.

✨ Usage

When you start the Urn application, a file dialog will appear to select a Split JSON file (see Split files).

Initially, the window is undecorated. You can toggle window decorations by pressing the Right Control key.

The timer is controlled with the following keys (note that they depend on the timer state):

Key Stopped Started
Spacebar Start timer Split
Backspace Reset timer Stop timer
Delete Cancel -

Cancel will reset the timer and decrement the attempt counter. A run that is reset before the start delay is automatically canceled.

If you forgot to split, or accidentally split twice, you can manually change the current split:

Key Action
Page Up Unsplit
Page Down Skip split

Keybinds can be configured by changing your gsettings. See Modifying the default values.

Settings and keybinds

The setting schema is defined in the urn-gtk.gschema.xml file.

Setting Type Description Default
start-decorated Boolean Start with window decorations false
start-on-top Boolean Start with window as always on top true
hide-cursor Boolean Hide cursor in window false
global-hotkeys Boolean Enables global hotkeys false
theme String Default theme name 'live-split'
theme-variant String Default theme variant ''
Keybind Type Description Default
keybind-start-split String Start/split keybind Space
keybind-stop-reset String Stop/Reset keybind Backspace
keybind-cancel String Cancel keybind Delete
keybind-unsplit String Unsplit keybind Page Up
keybind-skip-split String Skip split keybind Page Down
keybind-toggle-decorations String Toggle window decorations keybind Right Ctrl

The next section shows how to change these values.

Modifying the default values

You can change the values in the wildmouse.urn path with gsettings:

# Enabling the global hotkeys
gsettings set wildmouse.urn global-hotkeys true

# Changing the Urn theme
gsettings set wildmouse.urn theme <my-theme>

# Change the keybind to start/split
gsettings set wildmouse.urn keybind-start-split "<Alt>space"

Of course, you can directly edit the urn-gtk.gschema.xml default values, but note that you will need to sudo make install again to get the required file urn-gtk.gschema.xml into the expected location.

Keybind strings must be parsable by the gtk_accelerator_parse. See the complete list of keynames for gdk. Modifiers are enclosed in angular brackets <>: <Shift>, <Ctrl>, <Alt>, <Meta>, <Super>, <Hyper>. Note that you should use <Alt>a instead of <Alt>-a or similar.


The color of a time or delta has a special meaning.

Color Meaning
Dark red Behind splits in PB and losing time
Light red Behind splits in PB and gaining time
Dark green Ahead of splits in PB and gaining time
Light green Ahead of splits in PB and losing time
Blue Best split time in any run
Gold Best segment time in any run

Split Files

Split files are stored as well-formed JSON and must contain one main object.

You can use splits located in splits-examples/ to start creating your own split files and place them wherever you want.

Main object

Key Value
title Title string at top of window
attempt_count Number of attempts
start_delay Non-negative delay until timer starts
world_record Best known time
splits Array of split objects
theme Window theme
theme_variant Window theme variant
width Window width
height Window height

Most of the above keys are optional.

Split object

Key Value
title Split title
icon Icon file path or url
time Split time
best_time Your best split time
best_segment Your best segment time

Times are strings in HH:MM:SS.mmmmmm format. Icons can be either a local file path (preferably absolute) or a URL. Note that only GTK-supported image formats will work. For example, .svg and .webp doesn't.


Create a theme stylesheet and place it in themes/<name>/<name>.css or directly in ~/.urn/themes/<name>/<name>.css, where name is the name of your theme.

You can set the global theme by changing the theme value in gsettings.

Theme variants should follow the pattern <name>-<variant>.css. Each split file can apply their own themes by specifying a theme key in the main object.

See this repo for a list of ready-to-use themes.

See this for a list of supported CSS properties. Note that you can also modify the default font-family.

Urn CSS classes

If a split has a title key, its UI element receives a class name derived from its title. Specifically, the title is lowercase and all non-alphanumeric characters are replaced with hyphens, and the result is concatenated with split-title-. For instance, if your split is titled "First split", it can be styled by targeting the CSS class .split-title-first-split.


Uninstall Urn

Uninstall the desktop application by running

sudo make uninstall