paoloserra / victoria-HI

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HI data reduction for the ViCTORIA project.

data download


data reduction on the OAC cluster

1. Single observation

mkdir -p /scratch/usd/pserra/Astro/virgo/meerkat/datareduction/<MS-id>
cd /scratch/usd/pserra/Astro/virgo/meerkat/datareduction/<MS-id>
mkdir sbatch_logs
sbatch /home/pserra/victoria-HI/scripts/copy_caracal_config.sbatch
sbatch xcal.sbatch
sbatch -d afterok:<xcal-job-id> calflag.sbatch
sbatch -d afterok:<calflag-job-id> cont.sbatch
sbatch -d afterok:<cont-job-id> line.sbatch

2. Multi-resoluition imaging with mosaic clean mask

There needs to be some back and forth between mosaicking (see below) and multi-resolution imaging. Once a mosaic clean mask has been made at the lowest resolution we do the following. Note that we perform image-plane continuum subtraction of each single-field cube.

[make mosaic clean mask at the lowest resolution, then]

cd /scratch/usd/pserra/Astro/virgo/meerkat/datareduction/<MS-id>
sbatch /home/pserra/victoria-HI/scripts/copy_caracal_config.sbatch

sbatch line_res120.sbatch
sbatch ~/victoria-HI/scripts/imcontsub.sbatch res120 res120

[decide which mask to use for the next resolution, then]

sbatch line_res080.sbatch
sbatch ~/victoria-HI/scripts/imcontsub.sbatch res080 res120  

[decide which mask to use for the next resolution, then]

sbatch line_res050.sbatch 
sbatch ~/victoria-HI/scripts/imcontsub.sbatch res050 res080  

[decide which mask to use for the next resolution, then]

sbatch line_res027.sbatch
sbatch ~/victoria-HI/scripts/imcontsub.sbatch res027 res050

[to be continued]

3. Mosaic

Set prefix to the required value in /home/pserra/victoria-HI/scripts/ Edit other scripts as required. Then:

rm /scratch/usd/pserra/Astro/virgo/meerkat/datareduction/mosaics/mos_input/*.fits
python /home/pserra/victoria-HI/scripts/
cd /scratch/usd/pserra/Astro/virgo/meerkat/datareduction/mosaics
sbatch mos_resXXX.sbatch
# sbatch /home/pserra/victoria-HI/scripts/imcontsub.sbatch
# sbatch /home/pserra/victoria-HI/scripts/mos_sofia_moments.sbatch /scratch/usd/pserra/Astro/virgo/meerkat/datareduction/mosaics/mos_output/resXXX_imcontsub-line.fits /scratch/usd/pserra/Astro/virgo/meerkat/datareduction/mosaics/mos_output/resXXX_mask.fits

where the last command runs SoFiA on the imcontsub-ed cube with the clean mask used for cleaning, such that the moment images include all and only cleaned emission.