papandreou / inter

A JavaScript locale library based on information extracted from the Unicode CLDR database
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
21 stars 5 forks source link


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A JavaScript locale library that can be used to render dates, date and date-time intervals, numbers, lists, and more. Also contains localized display names for countries, regions, languages, time zones, and currencies. Most of the informations comes from the <a href="">Unicode CLDR (Common Localization Data Repository) and is extracted using the <a href="">cldr module.


Make sure you have node.js and <a href="">npm installed, then run:

$ npm install -g inter


To use inter in node.js, just require the library and use the load method to get an inter object with information about a specific locale:

var localeId = 'en_US',
    inter = require('inter').load(localeId);

In the browser you'll most likely want to build a version with only the specific features and locales you need. There's a buildInter script in the package that's useful for that. You can build one completely self-contained file per locale by specifying --type browser.

You can also build a single file with the data for all locales using --type bundle. The active locale will be determined by the value of the LOCALEID variable when the bundle is loaded into the browser. This is tailored especially for <a href="">assetgraph-builder with the --locales switch. Working with a single file is convenient during development. When doing a production build UglifyJS' dead code elimination will be used to strip the library down after buildProduction has created separate versions of your JavaScript for each locale.



An array of objects representing country display names. The array is ordered by display name and contains some additional properties:

{ id: 'AF',
  displayName: 'Afghanistan',
  regionId: '034',
  hasTimeZones: true }


Get info about a specific country (queried by ID):

{ id: 'SE',
  displayName: 'Sverige',
  regionId: '154',
  hasTimeZones: true }


An array of objects with region display names and some additional info. The array is ordered by display name. Superset of inter.countries and inter.regions.

[ { id: '002',
    displayName: 'Africa',
    hasTimeZones: false },
  { id: '019',
    displayName: 'Americas',
    hasTimeZones: false },
  { id: '001',
    displayName: 'World',
    hasTimeZones: false } ]


Get info about a specific region, queried by ID:

{ id: '018',
  displayName: 'Southern Africa',
  hasTimeZones: false }


An array of objects with territory display names and some additional info. The array is ordered by display name and contains some additional properties. Superset of inter.countries and inter.regions.

[ { id: 'AF',
    displayName: 'Afghanistan',
    regionId: '034',
    hasTimeZones: true },
  { id: '002',
    displayName: 'Africa',
    hasTimeZones: false },
  { id: 'AX',
    displayName: 'Åland Islands',
    regionId: '154',
    hasTimeZones: true } ]


Get info about a specific territory, queried by ID (can be either a region or a country):

{ id: 'US',
  displayName: 'United States',
  regionId: '021',
  hasTimeZones: true }


An array of objects representing all available time zone display names plus some additional info (Olson/tzdata ID, UTC offset, and the ID of the country it belongs to). The array is ordered by UTC offset and secondarily by display name:

[ { id: 'Pacific/Midway',
    utcStandardOffsetSeconds: -39600,
    displayName: 'Midway',
    countryId: 'UM' },
  { id: 'Pacific/Kiritimati',
    regionId: '057',
    utcStandardOffsetSeconds: 50400,
    displayName: 'Kiritimati',
    countryId: 'KI' } ]


Get info about a specific time zone (queried by its Olson/tzdata ID):

{ id: 'Europe/Copenhagen',
  regionId: '154',
  utcStandardOffsetSeconds: 3600,
  displayName: 'København',
  countryId: 'DK' }


An array of objects representing all available language display names plus some additional info. The array is ordered by display name:

[ { id: 'aa',
    displayName: 'Afar',
    nativeDisplayName: 'Qafar' },
  { id: 'ab', displayName: 'Abkhazian' },
  { id: 'ace', displayName: 'Achinese' },
  { id: 'zxx',
    displayName: 'No linguistic content' },
  { id: 'zza', displayName: 'Zaza' } ]


Get info about a specific language, queried by its ID:

{ id: 'zh_hans',
  displayName: 'Simplified Chinese',
  nativeDisplayName: '简体中文' }


An array of objects with all available currency display names, including ids and symbols and instructions for displaying different quantities:

[ { id: 'AWG',
    displayName: 'Aruba-gulden',
    one: 'Aruba-florin',
    other: 'Aruba-floriner' },
  { id: 'BSD',
    displayName: 'Bahamas-dollar',
    symbol: 'BS$',
    one: 'Bahamas-dollar',
    other: 'Bahamas-dollar' },
  { id: 'DDM',
    displayName: 'östtysk mark',
    one: 'östtysk mark',
    other: 'östtyska mark' } ]


Get info about a specific currency, queried by its ID:

{ id: 'ZRN',
  displayName: 'زائير زائيري جديد',
  symbol: undefined,
  zero: 'زائير زائيري جديد',
  one: 'زائير زائيري جديد',
  two: 'زائير زائيري جديد',
  few: 'زائير زائيري جديد',
  many: 'زائير زائيري جديد',
  other: 'زائير زائيري جديد' }


An array of objects with all available script display names, including IDs:

[ { id: 'Afak', displayName: 'Afaka' },
  { id: 'Hluw',
    displayName: 'Anatolian Hieroglyphs' },
  { id: 'Wole', displayName: 'Woleai' },
  { id: 'Yiii', displayName: 'Yi' } ]


Get info about a specific script, queried by its ID:

{ id: 'Sgnw', displayName: 'SignWriting' }


'fifty-three thousand seven hundred twenty-three'

The library must be built with the --rbnf switch.



The library must be built with the --rbnf switch.


Determine the locale's plural form for a given number, eg. "one", "two", "few", "zero", "many", or "other".

See the <a href="">LDML spec for more information.

The library must be built with the --pluralrules switch.

inter.renderList(itemArray[, 'unit'|'unitShort'|'unitNarrow'|'default'])

Render a list of items using the list patterns. The locale library must be built with the --listpatterns switch.


inter.renderList(['foo', 'bar', 'quux']); // "foo, bar, and quux" (en_US).

inter.renderUnit(number, 'durationWeek'|'energyJoule'|'frequencyMegahertz'|...)


Render (or get a renderer function for) a specific unit. The locale library must be built with the --unitpatterns switch.


inter.getUnitRenderer('durationWeek')(1); // '1 week' (en_US)
inter.getUnitRenderer('durationMonth')(5); // '5 months' (en_US)
inter.renderUnit(1, 'durationWeek'); // '1 week' (en_US)

inter.renderNumber(number[, numberFormat[, numberSystemId]])

inter.getNumberRenderer([numberFormat[, numberSystemId]])

Render (or get a renderer function for) a number according to the specified <a href="">ICU DecimalFormat (defaults to the locale standard number format for the locale).

inter.renderPercentage(number[, numDecimals[, numberSystemId]])

inter.getPercentageRenderer([numDecimals[, numberSystemId]])

Render (or get a renderer function for) a percentage according to the number format and percent char of the locale. The library must be built with the --numberformats switch.


inter.getPercentageRenderer(1)(1.0056); // '105.6 %' (en_US)
inter.renderPercentage(1.0056, 1); // '105.6 %' (en_US)

inter.renderFileSize(number[, numDecimals])


Render (or get a renderer function for) a number of bytes according to the number format of the locale. The units themselves (bytes, KB, MB, etc.) aren't localized yet, sorry. The library must be built with the --numberformats switch.


inter.getFileSizeRenderer(1)(100000); // '97.7 KB' (en_US)
inter.renderFileSize(100000, 1); // '97.7 KB' (en_US)

inter.renderDate(date, dateFormatId)


Render (or get a renderer function for) one of the locale's standard full/long/medium/short time or date formats, or a locale-specifc format specified by a <a href=''>CLDR dateFormatItem id. The library must be built with the --dateformats switch.


var aprilFourth = new Date(2010, 3, 4);
inter.getDateRenderer('mediumTime')(new Date(2010, 5, 7, 22, 30); // '10:30:00 pm' (en_US)
inter.getDateRenderer('longDate')(new Date(2010, 5, 7, 22, 30); // 'June 7, 2010' (en_US)
inter.renderDate(aprilFourth, 'fullDate'); // "Sunday, April 4, 2010" (en_US)
inter.renderDate(aprilFourth, 'shortTime'); // "12:00 am" (en_US)
inter.renderDate(aprilFourth, 'MMMMEd'); // "Sun, April 4" (en_US)

inter.renderDateInterval(dateInterval, dateFormatId)


Render (or get a renderer function for) a date or date-time interval that uses one of the locale's standard full/long/medium/short time or date formats, or a locale-specific format specified by a CLDR dateFormatItem id (<a href=''>see some examples). The library must be built with the --dateintervalformats switch.


var dateIntervalRenderer = inter.getDateIntervalRenderer("yMMMM"),
    januaryThroughApril = {start: new Date(2010, 0, 1), end: new Date(2010, 4, 0)};
dateIntervalRenderer(januaryThroughApril); // "January-April 2010" (en_US)

    start: new Date(2012, 9, 7, 9, 30),
    end: new Date(2012, 9, 7, 11, 30)
}, 'hm'); // "9:30–11:30 am" (en_US)

Additional helper methods


Helper function for tokenizing an ICU pattern with placeholders.


inter.tokenizePattern('My name is {0}'); // [{type: 'text', value: 'My name is '}, {type: 'placeHolder', value: 0}]


Get an optimized function for rendering a specific pattern. The function accepts the placeholder values as arguments.


inter.getPatternRenderer('My name is {0}')('George'); // 'My name is George'


Helper function for parse a date format into text and field tokens. The locale library must be built with the --dateformats switch.


inter.tokenizeDateFormat('dddd-m')); // [{type: 'field', value: 'dddd'}, {type: 'text', value: '-'}, {type: 'field', value: 'm'}]


Get one of the locale's standard full/long/medium/short time or date formats, or a locale-specific format specified by a CLDR dateFormatItem id (see <a href=''>see some examples). The locale library must be built with the --dateformats switch.


inter.getDateFormat('fullDate'); // 'l, F j, Y' (en_US)
inter.getDateFormat('yMMdd'); // 'MM/dd/y' (en_US)
inter.getDateFormat('mediumTime'); // 'h:mm:ss a' (en_US)


inter is licensed under a standard 3-clause BSD license -- see the LICENSE-file for details.