Open nathanielhourt opened 8 years ago
Might be useful to use -- the docs are a bit lacking, but it might be suitable for the task.
Could u provide code that reproduces the issue On Nov 23, 2015 10:06 AM, "Nathan Hourt" wrote:
Might be useful to use -- the docs are a bit lacking, but it might be suitable for the task.
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@glenfordwilliams Curiously enough, it seems to be specifically an issue when the image belongs to a ListView delegate that is being instantiated before it scrolls onto the screen. There may be other cases where it occurs (like a Loader, maybe?) but I haven't tested that.
Here's a trivial example:
import QtQuick 2.5
import Material.Extras 0.1 as Extras
Rectangle {
width: 800
height: 800
Rectangle {
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: 200
height: 200
color: "green"
RotationAnimation on rotation {
loops: Animation.Infinite
from: 0; to: 360
duration: 1000
ListView {
width: 100
height: parent.height
model: 50
delegate: Extras.Image {
id: img
width: 100
height: 100
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
source: ""
To see the blocking, scroll down on the ListView
The slow part is the script in Image.qml, specifically the image processing loop. If this section is placed in a WorkerScript, we might see better results:
while ((i += pixelInterval * 4) < length) {
rgba.r += data[i];
rgba.g += data[i+1];
rgba.b += data[i+2];
rgba.a += data[i+3];
rgba.r = Math.floor(rgba.r/count);
rgba.g = Math.floor(rgba.g/count);
rgba.b = Math.floor(rgba.b/count);
rgba.a = Math.floor(rgba.a/count);
Unfortunately, my initial experimentation shows that WorkerScript has some initialization that isn't done by the time I tried to load the image (again, only occurs in a ListView delegate being rendered during scrolling). Since WorkerScript provides no apparent way of knowing when this initialization is complete, I can only assume this is a race condition in Qt, and thus makes WorkerScript less attractive an option. Perhaps if the WorkerScript was instantiated ahead of time in a singleton somewhere it would work, but that gets real ugly real fast.
If I load a large image into Extras.Image, the UI blocks (more than a second, in my case) while averageColor is being calculated. It would be good if this were made asynchronous somehow.
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