paradigm / paramenu

Vim plugin for keystroke-efficient access to things like buffers, ctags, and quickfix items
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Many tasks done with Vim can be achieved in an extremely keystroke-efficient manner, but sadly there are exceptions which are a bit more tedious than necessary. ParaMenu is a simple framework for creating keystroke-efficient user interfaces. It should be fit to be used in most situations where the user needs to select an item from a list of items. In practice, this can end up saving a number of keystrokes compared to quickfix-window-style (e.g. :cwindow) or cmdline-style (e.g. :ls, :bn, :b) selection. At the very least, they require input to be completed with a whereas ParaMenu does not. ;)

For each item the user may select, ParaMenu will display a series of keys corresponding to that item. The user may enter a string from one of these items to select it, or enter from the paired series of keys to select it.

For example, see the following image:

paramenu example

The first three lines are simply part of the current vim window from before activating the plugin. The bottom four lines are due to the ParaBuffers plugin. The user may select one of the three open buffers: .bashrc, .zshrc, and .vimrc. This can be done by either entering the values in the left-most column (here, either "0", "1" or "2") to select an item or entering a unique part of the item's text (for example, "z" is unique to .zshrc and will select it, but "rc" is not unique to any of the files and will not select any of them.

ParaMenu is bundled with three commands which utilize this functionality: ParaBuffers for managing buffers, ParaTags for managing tags, and ParaQuickFix, an alternate interface for :cwindow.


There are a few ways you could go about installing ParaMenu, all of which are fairly standard for Vim plugins:

On a Unixy system without pathogen, the ParaMenu.vim file should be located at:


On a Unixy system with pathogen, the ParaMenu.vim file should be located at:


On a Windows system without pathogen, the ParaMenu.vim file should be located at:


On a Windows system with pathogen, the ParaMenu.vim file should be located at:


Further Documentation

Once installed, further documentation for ParaMenu and its bundled commands (ParaBuffers, ParaTags and ParaQuickFix) can be viewed by running the command ":help ParaMenu.txt"