paradise-fi / SymDIVINE

No longer maintained: Verification tool for parallel C/C++ programs with LTL support
MIT License
6 stars 2 forks source link

This project is no longer active. SymDIVINE functionality was integrated into DIVINE.


SymDIVINE is a tool for control explicit/data symbolic bit-precise LTL verification of parallel C/C++ programs using LLVM bitcode as intermediate representation.

How to run it

You can build SymDIVINE yourself (see section Building), or you can obtain pre-built binary for x64 Linux from here.

Runtime dependencies

Runtime dependencies of SymDIVINE are: libboost-graph1.54.0, z3. To compile C/C++ programs to LLVM you need clang-3.5. If you want to use LTL model checking also ltl2tgba is required.

If your system doesn't have package for Z3 SMT solver or you want to use the newest version (strongly recommended), you can download it or get sources and compile it from their official repository.


For simple assert reachability verification of LLVM bitcode run bin/symdivine reachability <model.ll> or see bin/symdivne help for more info. SymDIVINE supports pthreads, pthread mutexes, atomic sections via SV-COMP notation and more.

You can also use helper script scripts/, which takes a C a C++ file, compiles it and runs SymDIVINE.


To build SymDIVINE, yout need cmake, make, llvm-3.5, z3, libz3-dev, boost, flex and bison.

Then just checkout this repo and run ./configure && cd build && make. Final binary is bin/symdivine.

If you run to problems with docopt, run git submodule update --init --recursive.

About the authors

Based on work by Vojtěch Havel and Peter Bauch in ParaDiSe (Parallel & Distributed System Laboratory). Currently developed by Jan Mrázek, Henrich Lauko and Martin Jonáš.