paradisec-archive / nabu

nabu is a digital media item management system that provides a catalog of audio and video items, metadata for these items, and information about the workflow status of the items.
GNU General Public License v3.0
17 stars 8 forks source link

Nabu Catalog

Setting up your dev environment

Use direnv to add bin to your path

PATH_add bin

Bring up the environment

# Build the base image
docker compose build

# Install the gems
nabu_run bundle

# Bring up all the containers
docker compose up

This brings up the following containers

You can then easily run all the standard commands by prefixing with nabu

nabu_run bundle install
nabu_run bundle exec rake db:create
nabu_run bundle exec rake db:schema:load
nabu_test bundle exec rake db:schema:load
nabu_run bundle exec guard # Test runner


The application is designed to be deployed with containers into an AWS account using CDK

To bootstrap a new account

# Setup an AWS account and credentials as per your preferred method and set the environment to use it
ACCOUNT=$(aws sts get-caller-identity | jq -r .Account)
cdk bootstrap aws://$ACCOUNT/$REGION


Use CDK to deploy new code via docker as well as any infrastructure changes

cd cdk
cdk --profile nabu-stage diff nabu-appstack-stage
cdk --profile nabu-stage deploy nabu-appstack-stage

If necessary:

bin/aws/ecs_rake deploy:migrate
bin/aws/ecs_rake searchkick:reindex

Importing a production database into your development environment

bin/aws/ecs_shell app -c 'mysqldump -u nabu -h "$NABU_DATABASE_HOSTNAME" --password "$NABU_DATABASE_PASSWORD" nabu | bzip2 | base64 > /tmp/nabu.sql.bz2'
nabu_run bundle exec rake db:drop db:create
bzip2 -dc ../nabu.sql.bz2 | mysql -h -u root nabu_devel
nabu_run bin/rails db:environment:set RAILS_ENV=development
nabu_run bin/rake db:migrate
nabu_run bin/rake searchkick:reindex:all

Production Tasks

import archive files

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake archive:update_files

check if all files that have been uploaded are ok:

cd /srv/www/nabu/current
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake --trace archive:update_files > log/update_files.log

check if all *-CAT-PDSC_ADMIN.xml files exist and create if necessary:

cd /srv/www/nabu/current
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake --trace archive:admin_files > log/admin_files.log

delete a collection with all its items:

cd /srv/www/nabu/current
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake archive:delete_collection[PA1]

# New Ethnologue data

We use the following source locations

Run the following rake task to import everything

``` bash
bundle exec rake import:ethnologue

This will


OLAC available at:

The feeds that OLAC harvests:

Individual item:

RIF-CS available at:


gem install localtunnel
rbenv rehash
localtunnel 3000

use resulting server on an OAI repository explorer:

The feed that ANDS harvests:

Test at ANDS:

Feed for a single collection:

Setup Secrets

aws secretsmanager list-secrets

aws secretsmanager put-secret-value --secret-id ARN --secret-string "{\"site_key\":\"***\", \"secret_key\":\"***\"}"


We should regularly make sure we are running the latest versions of third-party packages

# Ruby gems
nabu_run bundle outdated
nabu_run bundle update

# npm
nabu_run bin/importmap audit
nabu_run bin/importmap outdated

# Sentry
vi app/views/layouts/application.html.haml