parametric-svg / js

[MOVED TO] A JavaScript implementation of parametric SVG
MIT License
8 stars 1 forks source link

Travis CICode climateDavid DM


Parametric 2D graphics in the browser. With pure SVG.

Heads up! This package is based on an earlier version of the spec. We’re planning to update it – but for now you’re better off using the <parametric-svg> custom element or the pair of low-level libraries parse and patch.


$ npm install parametric-svg


var parametricSvg = require('parametric-svg');


<script src=""></script>

What then? All I’ve got is this quick example – it must do for now:,js,output.


parametricSVG(svgRoot, [parameters])

Parse and render all elements within the svgRoot. Defaults set with <ref> elements will be used for calculation, unless you override them with parameters.


parameter type description
svgRoot SVGSVGElement An <svg> element.
[parameters] Object optional: A hash of additional parameters. They'll extend and override defaults set with <ref> elements.

Returns VirtualTree, A cached virtual DOM tree for lightning-fast redraws.

parametricSVG(element, parameters)

Pass any SVG node (like <circle>) to parse and render the node and all its descendants.


parameter type description
element SVGElement
parameters Object A hash of parameters.

Returns VirtualTree, A cached virtual DOM tree for lightning-fast redraws.

parametricSVG(virtualTree, [parameters])

Pass a cached VirtualTree to render the tree without reparsing any DOM. This is the fastest option.


parameter type description
virtualTree VirtualTree
[parameters] Object optional: Supply a hash of additional parameters. They'll extend and replace cached ones.

Returns VirtualTree, A cached virtual DOM tree for lightning-fast redraws.



MIT © Tomek Wiszniewski.