paris-branch / dancelor

A chancelor for Scottish country dance musicians
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A chancelor for Scottish country dance musicians.

API documentation


Setting up a development environment

The OCaml dependencies are described in dune-project and in .nix/package.nix; these files should not go out of sync and the CI checks that Dancelor builds fine both in an opam-based or a nix-based environments. The system dependencies are the following:

Running and writing tests

Dancelor contains two kinds of tests: unit tests and system tests. Unit tests are fully integrated with Dune so nothing much is required there. There is a make unit-tests target, but it is really just an alias for dune test. Unit tests are written either right after the function that they test, using ppx_inline_test, or in tests/unit, using Alcotest. The latter usually contain QCheck-based tests.

System tests are heavier tests on the final product. They run using Selenium's Python API and Firefox driver. To run them, you need Python 3, Selenium and pytest on your machine. The Nix environment provides them; otherwise, you can install them with pip:

$ pip install pytest selenium

You also need the Firefox web browser. It is not provided by the Nix environment but you can easily get it with your machine's package manager. You can now run the system tests with:

$ pytest

This requires having a properly-configured Dancelor instance running in the background. This instance must listen on port 8080 and use database tests/database/. For running tests, the target make system-tests builds Dancelor if needed, then starts it in the background with the right options, run the system tests against it and then kills Dancelor again. For developping tests, the target make dev-test launches Dancelor in such a mode.

Writing Selenium scripts can be done manually by mimmicking the ones already present in tests/scripts, in which case you might be interesting in Selenium's API documentation, but it is also possible to rely on the Selenium IDE and exporting tests in pytest style.

Invariants enforced in this repository

In general, in this repository, we enforce the following invariants:

All of these are enforced in CI. For Nix users, the formatting and synchrony of the files will be checked at pre-commit time in the development environment; this avoids pushing invalid commits and stressing the CI for nothing.


The fonts in the PDF seem weird

Dancelor uses the Trebuchet MS font in PDF files. Make sure it is installed on the machine on which Dancelor runs. This usually goes by copying the fonts from the assets directory to ~/.local/share/fonts.