paritytech / forklift

Forklift helps Cargo with caching
MIT License
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cache cargo rust

Forklift – caching solution for Cargo

License Tests Release


Forklift acts as a rustc wrapper and decides whether to use the cache based on the rustc arguments it receives.


  1. Create a .forklift/config.toml file in the Cargo project root or in the home folder. Refer to config-example.toml for an example.

  2. Run Cargo through Forklift by executing the following command:

    forklift cargo build --release ...

How it works

  1. Forklift operates its own "server", preparing the Cargo command, passing all necessary parameters, and executing it. The "server" assists in determining whether dependencies have been rebuilt for this Forklift+Cargo invocation and uploads cache packages to the storage.

  2. Cargo invokes the wrapper with rustc arguments for each crate it intends to build (if artifacts are not present in the target directory).

  3. The wrapper gathers dependencies (--extern name=path) and forwards them to the server to verify if any of these dependencies have been rebuilt during this "session".

  4. The wrapper computes the cache key from the rustc arguments (which already include the cargo hash), the output path, the hash of the source files, and the hash of the dependencies' artifacts.

  5. If there are any rebuilt dependencies or the cache package is not present in the storage, Forklift will execute the specified rustc command, collect its output, and upload it to the server.

    If there are no rebuilt dependencies and the cache package is available in the storage, Forklift will download the package and emit the output saved from the original rustc run, imitating a successful rustc execution.


Config file

Forklift utilizes TOML configuration files and searches for .forklift/config.toml in the user's home folder and the current working directory. If both configuration files are present, they will be merged, with the local file taking precedence.

Environment variables

Configuration settings can be overridden with environment variables formatted as FORKLIFT_<full.key.path>.

For example, if you want to override storage.s3.bucketName from the config:

type = "s3"

accessKeyId = "ABCDEF1234567890"
bucketName = "forklift"
endpointUrl = ""
secretAccessKey = "very_secret_key"
useSSL = true

You can also set the FORKLIFT_storage_s3_bucketName variable here. Note that the key path is case sensitive.


You can override any configuration value using commands through CLI invocation:

% forklift config get

% forklift config set metrics.enabled true bool
previous metrics.enabled: false
new metrics.enabled: true

See forklift config --help for more info.




Key Type Description
logLevel string Specifies the log level: trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal. Default: info.
packageSuffix string Defines a suffix for all cache package names. Default: "".
threadsCount int Sets the number of threads for parallel uploads. Default: 2.
quiet bool Suppresses all output. Setting this to true sets logLevel to fatal. Default: false.



key type description
extraEnv []string Additional environment variable names for cache key calculations



Key Type Description
type string Storage type: s3, fs, null. Default: null.


Key Type Description
accessKeyId string S3 access key ID.
bucketName string S3 bucket name.
endpointUrl string S3 endpoint URL.
secretAccessKey string S3 secret access key.
useSSL bool Use SSL, default true.


Key Type Description
directory string Absolute directory path



Key Type Description
type string Compression type: none, lzma2, zstd. Default: none.


Key Type Description
compressionLevel int Compression level: 1 or 3, default 3.


Key Type Description
compressionLevel int Compression level, 0-9, default 6



Key Type Description
enabled bool Enable metrics, default false.
pushEndpoint string Prometheus remote write endpoint.
extraLabels map[string]string Extra labels for metrics, default {}.


The example was made with the following Forklift options:

none compression, fs storage, 10 uploader threads

First run (no cache)
% forklift cargo build --release
   Server info: Uploader threads: 10
   Compiling libc v0.2.150
   Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.70
   Compiling unicode-ident v1.0.12
   Wrapper info: Executing rustc, crate: 'cargo' hash: 'b778cdb1a5889e85'
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 58.41s
Second run (cache is being reused)
% forklift cargo build --release
   Server info: Uploader threads: 10
   Compiling libc v0.2.150
   Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.70
   Compiling unicode-ident v1.0.12
   Compiling cfg-if v1.0.0
   Compiling autocfg v1.1.0
   Compiling pkg-config v0.3.27
   Compiling vcpkg v0.2.15
   Compiling memchr v2.6.4
   Compiling thiserror v1.0.50
   Wrapper info: Downloaded and unpacked artifacts for autocfg_c15112a65e15df34352675fecb8a9b766f7b414a, crate: 'autocfg' hash: 'd9aedd06ecfbfc27'
   Wrapper info: Downloaded and unpacked artifacts for cargo_e722267ee4ebd91be7690a276f4a08fb857c5cf4, crate: 'cargo' hash: 'b778cdb1a5889e85'
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 11.46s


Forklift provides the set of Prometheus-compatible metrics to monitor caching efficiency and performance. These metrics are available when metrics collection is enabled in the configuration.

Available metrics include:

Name Description Labels
forklift_uploader_uploading_network_avg_speed Average cache upload speed in bytes per second across all uploader threads
forklift_uploader_uploading_network_uploaded_bytes Total bytes downloaded during cache upload
forklift_uploader_uploading_status Number of cache packages uploads (with status label) status:
-success: cache package uploaded successfully
-warning: uploaded, but with retries
-fail: failed to upload in 3 tries)
forklift_uploader_uploading_time_task Time spent on specific tasks during cache upload process task:
forklift_uploader_uploading_time_total Total time spent by Forklift (includes Cargo execution)
forklift_wrapper_caching_cache_hit Number of cache hits (with status label) status:
-hit: cache was used
-warning: cache was used, but with retries
forklift_wrapper_caching_cache_miss Number of cache misses (with status label) status:
-miss: no cache artifacts were found in storage
-fail: failed to retrieve artifact in 3 tries
-dep_rebuilt: crate had a rebuilt dependency, no cache were used
forklift_wrapper_caching_network_avg_speed Average cache download speed in bytes per second across all rustc_wrappers
forklift_wrapper_caching_network_downloaded_bytes Total bytes downloaded during cache restore
forklift_wrapper_caching_time_task Time spent on specific tasks during cache restore process task:
forklift_wrapper_caching_time_total Total time spent by rustc_wrappers


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.