pariz / gountries

Gountries provides: Countries (ISO-3166-1), Country Subdivisions(ISO-3166-2), Currencies (ISO 4217), Geo Coordinates(ISO-6709) as well as translations, country borders and other stuff exposed as struct data.
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Inspired by the countries gem for ruby.

Countries (ISO-3166-1), Country Subdivisions(ISO-3166-2), Currencies (ISO 4217), Geo Coordinates(ISO-6709) as well as translations, country borders and other stuff exposed as struct data.

All data is derived from the pariz/countries repo.

This is currently a work in progress, so things may change. More stuff will be added


go get



package main

import (

func main() {
    query := gountries.New()

    // Find sweden //

    sweden, _ := query.FindCountryByName("sweden")
    // sweden, _ := query.FindCountryByAlpha("SE")
    // sweden, _ := query.FindCountryByAlpha("SWE")

    fmt.Println(sweden.Name.Common)   // Output: Sweden
    fmt.Println(sweden.Name.Official) // Output: Konungariket Sverige

    fmt.Println(sweden.Translations["DEU"].Common)   // Output: Schweden
    fmt.Println(sweden.Translations["DEU"].Official) // Output: Königreich Schweden

A bit more advanced

package main

import (

func main() {

    query := gountries.New()

    // Find the bordering countries of Sweden //

    sweden, _ := query.FindCountryByAlpha("SWE") // "SE" also works..

    // Get the bordering countries of sweden
    for _, country := range sweden.BorderingCountries() {

    // Output:
    // Finland
    // Norway

    // Find all subdivisons for Sweden //

    subdivisions := sweden.SubDivisions()

    for _, subdivision := range subdivisions {

    // Output:
    // Västerbottens län
    // Uppsala län
    // Södermanlands län
    // Gotlands län
    // Dalarnas län
    // ...

    // Find all countries bordering Germany and Switzerland //

    countryQuery := gountries.Country{
        Borders: []string{

    countries := query.FindCountries(countryQuery)

    for _, c := range countries {

    // Output:
    // Austria
    // France

    // Calculate distance between Sweden and Germany (in Kilometers) //

    se, _ := query.FindCountryByAlpha("SWE")
    de, _ := query.FindCountryByAlpha("DEU")

    distance := gountries.MeasureDistanceHaversine(se, de)
    //distance := MeasureDistancePythagoras(se, de)


    // Output:
    // 1430.1937864547901

    distance = gountries.CalculateHaversine(
        se.Coordinates.MaxLatitude, se.Coordinates.MaxLongitude,
        de.Coordinates.MinLatitude, de.Coordinates.MinLongitude)


    // Output:
    // 2641.26145088825

Using packed data

The data in the data/yaml subdirectory is embedded using go-bindata. Once you include this library in your project, you won't need to access the data directory. To add or update the data, make changes to the YAML files then run:

go-bindata -pkg gountries data/yaml/*


Has a pretty solid test coverage but is constantly improving.
